
Did you folks hear about the protein shake factory explosion in Uganda?

There was nothing left but *de whey*

How do you start a rave in Uganda ?

Glue a piece of toast to the ceiling

Have Uganda Africa yet?

Nah, but I was Ghana do that.

The french minister of transport receive his counterpart from Uganda ...

After the offical things, he invite him to his place, outside of Paris. The Ugandan minister is astonished, as the place is a well restored and luxurious XVI century castle. He then ask :

- But, how did you pay for that ? I thought you came from a poor family.

- Come at the window, sa...

Robbing a bank in Greece is like raiding a food warehouse in Uganda.

You look stupid and you get nothing out of it.

Am man fell into a big river in Uganda, Tanzania but didn't believe it.

I guess you could say he was in deNile

My mate was boasting about being amazing at geography.

So I decided to test him, I asked him where Uganda was. His response was:

“in the house with my grandmother.

How do you start a party in Uganda?

Tape a sandwich to the roof.

A young man becomes a born again Christian after reading a religious flyer at his college.

He doesn’t initially tell his girlfriend, justifying the embarrassment as natural to any young infant in the faith. But in the following weeks his commitment escalates dramatically, and he takes up a position as a Christian missionary to Uganda.
One day the dreaded phone call wakes him up. Ob...

I accidentally stepped on an African man's foot today.

He shrugged and said "hey man, what Uganda do about it?".

He laughed, I laughed, good times, good times.

'Finnish' reading this conversation


B: Then we should probably eat?

A: Maybe I can find some food I Czech the fridge

B: There is Norway you will find something in your fridge

A: You are really Russian to get those puns out

B: They're a real Spain to put up with

A: Really? I don't B...

What's good for Greece

is good for Uganda.

Bush, Marcos, and Idi Amin all died and went to hell.

While in hell, they saw a red phone and asked what the phone is for.

The devil tells them it is for calling back to Earth.

Marcos ask to call Manila and talks for 5 minutes.
When he is finished the devil informs him that the cost of calling to Earth is a million dollars, so Marco...

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The Octopus Joke Retold

So this guy walks into a bar with an Octopus. He is named the Amazing Octodad, seriously it's on his T-shirt. He heads to the bar, gets a beer and waits for the music to stop. A cute blonde gives a weird wtf look when a tentacle starts wriggling over to tickle her leg but Octodad just winks and says...

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