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My mother used to always say "give your food a rinse before you eat it."

Lovely woman. Terrible sandwiches.

What has a tattoo of a dragon squeaks when you eat it?

Halloumi Rapace.

What’s the difference between your salad and your girlfriend?

You dress your salad before you eat it.

Did you know that Taco Bell names an item after the sound that you make after you eat it?

No, there isn’t a “mmmm”. It’s the chalupa.

5yo me, getting ready to chow down on mac and cheese, smells it before I take a bite. To which my Grandfather speaks up, "Do you smell everything before you eat it?"

Me: "Yeah, grandpa!"

Grandpa: "Boy, that's gonna put a real hamper on your love life!"

Pizza is something you love for a half hour before you eat it...

...like a baby.

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