octaneethanollitreengine knockingbenzeneleadlessavgastetraethylleadlead-freenonleadedunspacedoctane ratingfuelgasolinekerosene

What kind of fuel does an X-ray machine use?


You know how in restaurants they often ask you if you prefer bottled water or tap water?

In Flint, the waiter asks you, "Regular or Unleaded?"

A blonde...

...works in a petrol station filling up cars. One day, a spaceship with 'UFO' written on the side lands next to the blonde. The blonde cheerfully fills it with fuel and the spaceship flied off.

The blonde's boss, shocked, comes out to ask why she filled it up.

"Do you know what 'UFO' s...

What's the difference between water and gasoline?

In Flint Michigan you can get gasoline that is unleaded.

People who live in Flint should drink gasoline.

It's cheaper than the water and guaranteed unleaded

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