misprintliteralerratumliteral errorerrortypingmistakespellingtypewriterbackspacetypographyorthographytype-settingkeyboardusenet

I just got fired for making a typo. It’s unreal. Like IT’S A TYPO! It’s not a big deal.

Firstly, “ie” and “y” are often interchangeable. Secondly a neon sign saying “Comedy Here” is way less eye-catching. And thirdly, the client said it themselves, they’d never had so many people walk in their door.
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What do you call a typo on a tombstone

A grave mistake
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I wanted to watch this famous Tom Hanks movie, but I made a typo and ended up downloading a movie about a sex slave in a jungle.

It was called Forest Gimp.

What do you get if you mix human DNA and whale DNA?

Banned from Seaworld

Cake day so time to Karma Farm, and I can't see this joke posted
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By legalizing Cannabis and same-sex marriage we finally interpreted the bible correctly:

**"A man who lays with another man should be stoned."** [Leviticus 20:13 esv]

Edit1: a typo

Edit2: thanks for the gold humorous stranger!

Liberal people support human rights and the idea that people with disabilities should have equal labor market opportunities.

Now there is a disabled guy in the White House and all they do is compalain about it.
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Why do anti-vaxxers always make typos?

Because the Bill Gates microchip comes with auto correct
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A blonde pays $1,000,000 to use a stadium to prove blondes are smart.

She fills the stadium with 80,000 other blondes and calls one up to prove, on live TV, that blondes are smart. She starts simply with a math question.
“What’s twenty plus three?” She asks the young volunteer. The little blonde thinks and timidly whispers into the mic “nine?” Soon a chorus of 80,...
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The mayans made a typo.

They meant 2021 and not 2012.
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When people type something wrong it is called a typo.

So if I say something wrong is it called a talko?
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A guy walks into a bar and asks for a beer

"That'll be five dollars", says the bartender, and the guy throws 20 quarters onto the floor. Reluctantly, the bartender picks up the coins and serves the beer.

The next day, the guy comes into the bar, asks for a beer, throws 20 quarters onto the floor, etc.

The next day, again.

Clothing related typos...

They're the vest
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I didn’t realize the sex manual I bought had a typo….

…until we tried the 96 position.

The only tihng worse than a repost? A repost with a typo.

It’s just reposterous.
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There's two typos of people in this world,

those who notice spelling mistakes, and those who don't.
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Two drunk men walked in to a brothels m (NSFW)

Two piss-drunk men visited a brothel. The madam takes a look at them and tells her manager: Go and put inflatable dolls in their bedrooms. These guys are too drunk to notice.

After finishing their act, on their way back.........
1st drunk: I think my girl was dead as she never made a noi...

When we see typos and do nothing

the errorists win
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There was a typo in my spellbook.

And i managed to misspell it.
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A lemon, a potato, and a pea all had a tough week working at the grocery store...

...so they decided to let off some steam with a bar crawl at the weekend.

They had a great time, hitting bar after bar, knocking back drinks, but being so genetically different, the alcohol affected them each in different ways: the lemon got very acidic and refluxy; the potato, being a big st...

Why are there so many typos in Trumps tweets?

Because he’s Russian.
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Angela Merkel, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump are shot during a conference and die...

Up in the sky, they are greeted by Saint Peter who says: ‚You have died. As you are politicians, surely you have sinned. Therefore you must wade through the Swamp of Lies before you can go to Heaven and join Him in eternal happiness.‘

As in her former life, Merkel wants to tackle every challe...
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An engineer and an anti-vaxxer were walking through the woods.

An engineer and an anti-vaxxer were walking through the woods when they came upon a bridge across a crocodile infested river.

The anti-vaxxer asked the engineer "What are the odds of us making it across that bridge safely?" The engineer took out his calculator and his tape measure, did a s...
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One typo and suddenly

You wish you were dad
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I don'f understand people making typos in their post titles...

Don't they proof read before submitting?
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Never Text an Apology

Hi Bob, This is Alan next door. I’m sorry buddy, but I have a
confession to make to you. I've been riddled with guilt these past few
months and have been trying to pluck up the courage to tell you to
your face, but I am at least now telling in text as I can’t l...
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My doctor was telling me that my blood tests had a typo

So I guess it's pretty cool to be a universal donor.
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A six year old boy goes to work with his father....

A six year old boy goes to work with his father on a bring your kid to work day.

After about 30 minutes of arriving the kid starts crying loudly, the whole office gathers around.

The father asks his kid "what's the matter son?"

The kid replies "where are all the clowns that yo...
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There must be a typo in the "sort by" options.

I chose "new" but they're all reposts. Should be "knew" instead
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A priest, a minister, and a rabbit walk in to deliver blood.

The priest says- “I’m a type A”

The minister says- “I’m a type B”

The rabbit says- “I think I’m a typo”
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Between typos and autocorrect it's getting hard to post on /r/jokes...

One tiny mistake and your whole post is urined.
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A guy dressed as a Chicken for Halloween finds a girl dressed as an egg.

Apparently the answer is Chicken.

(Edit: Typo)
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If your wondering whether your going to annoy grammar nazis with your typos

*you are

What does a blind Eminem fan say when they notice a typo in braille?

"Something is wrong, I can feel it."
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Guy gets a hotel room and asks for a hooker

A man heads to a seedy hotel to rent a room and asks the clerk where to find a prostitute.

The clerk says not to worry, he'll send one to the man's room in a few minutes.

The man goes to his room and sure enough, a few minutes later a prostitute knocks on his door.

"Hi honey, ho...

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A city slicker buys a farm…

…and walks to his neighbor to buy some farm animals. He tells his neighbor that he wants a rooster and a hen. The neighbor says, “Ok, but we don’t call them that around here, we call a rooster a cock and a hen a pullet.”

He then asks for a donkey but again the neighbor says, “Ok, but we call ...

An atheist a priest and a rabbit walk into a bar.

And the rabbit says: Guys, I'm pretty sure I'm a typo.
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* sorry, typo
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A joke I came up with in my dreams.. And it's dumb..

So, last night, in my sleep, I dreamt I was at a talkshow. They asked me to make up a joke for my entrance and this is what I came up with:

I wanted to walk through the curtain from backstage several times, each time struggling to get through and angrily calling the curtain an inconvenient. T...
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A Mexican guy comes riding up to the border on his bicycle with two big sacks over his shoulders.

He tells the border guard that the sacks are full of sand, but the guard doesn’t believe him.

The guard detains the guy, and rips open the bags, but there’s nothing but sand.

He even has the sand analyzed, only to find that it really is just sand. And the sack is just a plain sack. <...
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Yo mama's so fat

When she goes to the beach the tide comes in, but she's so ugly that it goes back out

[Edit] typo
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She texted me: "Your adorable."

I replied: "No. You're adorable."

Now she likes me. All I did was correct her typo.
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Why do hospitals love skilled secretaries?

Because they’re typo-negative.
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Teacher asks:

"have you heard of Greqia, Elada, Recko, Groeg, Kreikka, Girisha, Krech, Grecko, Yunan, Xila?"

Johnny: "Ma'am that's all greek to me."

Teacher: "very good, Johnny."
(Edit: fixed typo)
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Some puns

•    How does Moses make tea ?   Hebrews it. 

•    England has no kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool.

•    They told me I had type-A blood, but it was a Typo. 

•    I changed my iPod's name to Titanic.  It's syncing now. 

•    I know a guy ...
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A man and his wife went on a weekend trip to the big city

Tired of going from shop to shop and arguing with his wife about it, he stands outside the next shop in protest.

While waiting a prostitute walks up to him and ask if he wants a quickie in the alley.

After thinking it over, he replies: "Well why the hell not. I haven't tried much in m...

Vladimir Putin walks down the corridor in his office and notices a painting on the wall of himself

He says: "So, my dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, what will happen if we lose the war?"
"That's simple," says the painting, "they'll take me off and will hang you!"

(edit - typo)
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why can't you put a Subaru in reverse?

Because then U R A Bus!

(Reposted to fix typo where I misspelled Subaru)
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TIL Type O blood was actually meant to be Type Zero blood, due to lack of glycoproteins in the red blood cells. It was misread as type "O".

I guess you can call it a typo.
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A priest, a pastor, and a rabbit entered a clinic to donate blood.

The nurse asked the rabbit, “What’s your bloood type?”

“I’m a typo O”, said the rabbit.
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A Punjabi latifa (joke), translated.

The government, via the local mosque, announces that every married couple will receive 100, 000 rupees for every child they have, as a sort of relief check.

Johnny, a poor man with 7 kids, hears this joke.

He tells his wife, "O wife, we have 7 kids, and we will receive 700,000 rupees ...
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A devoted husband is at his dying wife's bedside

- honey, I love you so much. You are the sweetest husband .... Even now you haven't left my side for days... Says the wife.

- of course. How could I leave you , you are the love of my life!

- before I die I have something to confess.

- it's ok you don't have to tell me anything...
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Why didn't the phlebotomist's reports need editing?

He was typo negative.
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Yo mama so ugly

She went into a haunted house and came out with a paycheque
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They keep calling the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial “defamation case”…

I think there’s a typo there.
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Two pharaohs fart. Their farts smell the same.

They had a Tutankhamun.
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What’s the difference between Amrican and British humour?

The spelling (This joke is better said out loud) (Aw frick. That’s a heck of a typo)
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Three couples check into a hotel for their honeymoons.

The man at the front desk has a game he likes to play. When the first couple checked in, he asked the bride what her job was. She said she was a maid. The man thought to himself "Maids are hot. This guy's going to have a fun honeymoon."

When the next couple checked in, he asked the bride the...

So I was standing at a bus station having a smoke

And I was horrified to see the bus leave the bus station without me....

I could have sworn I put the handbrake on!!!!
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My dic is so small...

That the above is not a typo.
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