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What did the peons at the jam factory say when asked if they needed to use the loo?

"No time for loos, sir,

'Cause we are the jam peons!"

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What did the jam say to the bread after the failure of their relationship?

"Your deserve butter."

Why is there drunk bird at the jammed door

Because the repair man asked for a crow bar

What did the jam band groupie say when she broke up with her boyfriend?

So long, and thanks for all the phish

The counties of Devon and Cornwall organised a huge music festival with the reunions of both The Jam and Cream.

The festival was called off due to the two counties not being able to agree which should go on first.

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In honor of the jam/jelly TIL on front page... What's the difference between jam and jelly? [NSFW]

I can't jelly my cock down your throat.

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