swellriseblow upraisedistendbloatupwardtumefyintumesceupwardspuffupswingincreasepuff outpuff up

Why did C swell up

Because it got stung by A B

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A Visit to the Tailor (Slightly NSFW)

A man starts getting chronic headaches and his testicles swell and become very sensitive. The doctor informs him that his testicles must be amputated or he risks death. The guy reluctantly agrees and the operation is performed. Several days later he comes in for a follow-up. He gets a clean bill of ...

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Just found out today that I'm allergic to Viagra.

It makes me swell up.

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Royal Union 2

Once upon a time, the royals of two neighbouring kingdoms decided to cement their friendship and their boundaries by marrying one's princess to the other's prince.

The youngsters were introduced to each other and, as luck would have it, they fell in love. The prince's father, however, wanted ...

I'm allergic to peanuts

If I'm even in the same room as Snoopy my face starts to swell up.

Trump dies and goes to hell.

When he arrives, he is greeted by the devil.

The devil says that there are 3 other people here that have done less bad than Trump, so Trump gets to decide which one goes to heaven so he can take their place.

The devil opens 3 doors, the first door has Richard Nixon in it. Nixon is swim...

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Penis enlargement NSFW (Long)

Paddy's wife complains to him that his penis is too small and doesn't satisfy her, so on a visit to the local pub, after a few pints, he seeks advice from Mick, who's a well-known ladies' man.

"Do what I do," says Mick. "As I go upstairs, I slap my pecker off the handrail with every step I ta...

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Queen Elizabeth II visits a hospital...

Queen Elizabeth II was visiting one of New York's finest hospitals and during her tour of the wards she passed a room where one of the male patients was masturbating. "Oh God," said the Queen, "that's disgraceful, what is the meaning of this?" The doctor leading the tour explains, "I am sorry your R...

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Hilary Clinton is touring a hospital in Upstate New York...

When the hospital director and her passed the room of a man who was furiously masturbating. "What is the meaning of this?" she demanded.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Clinton, but that man has a rare disorder where his testicles swell up with semen rapidly and he must ejaculate a few times a day or risk se...

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