A sperm donor, a carpenter, and Julius Ceasar walk into a bar.
He came, he saw, he conquered.
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I applied to be a sperm donor and the nurse asked if I could masturbate in the cup...
I told her i'm pretty good but I don't think i'm ready to compete in a tournament yet.
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I wanted to become a professional sperm donor
I already had my slogan ready: "Wait till you get a load of this guy!"
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My friend is trying to get pregnant by way of a sperm donor.
She's not having much luck, but I'm pulling for her.
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What do a fisherman and a sperm donor have in common?
They’re both masterbaiters
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TIL sperm donors are paid $50 per donation.
It was devastating. Imagine all the money that has slipped through my fingers.
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Sperm Donor!
A man and a woman were waiting at the hospital donation center.
Man: "What are you doing here today?"
Woman: "Oh, I'm here to donate some blood. They're going to give me $5 for it."
Man: "Hmm, that's interesting. I'm here to donate sperm, myself. But they pay me $25."
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Why didn't the sperm donor have any free time?
Because he had loads to do.
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Sperm donor
I think an appropriate song in the waiting area of the sperm donor office would be “if I could put time in a bottle”
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What's the difference between the Toronto Maple Leafs and a sperm donor?
One blows leads, the other blows loads
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I wanted to open a Sperm Donor Clinic
But the name Jack in the Box was already in use
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Have you heard about the woman who got pregnant from a sperm donor without telling her partner?
It was a master bait & switch.
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Why do all professional sperm donors go crazy?
Cause it’s a nut job
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A sperm donor, a carpenter and Mehmed II, Ottoman Emperor are in a room. Julius Caesar walks in the room. What did he say?
"Veni, vidi, vici."
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I was going to be a sperm donor for a friend
But I pulled out at the last second.
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Meanwhile at the Sperm Donor Bank
A guy walks into a sperm donor bank wearing a ski mask and holding a gun.
He goes up to the nurse and demands for her to open the sperm bank vault. She says "But sir, its just a sperm bank!", "I don't care, open it now!!!" he replies.
So she opens the door to the vault and inside are...
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Which song does the sperm donor play in repeat?
Dire Straits - Money for Nutting
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Don't forget, Sperm Donor day is June 16th this year.
It's like Father's Day, but it comes a little early.
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The old sperm donor.
After trying for months and failing to make a baby, due to his low sperm count, the young couple began to explore their options. They decided that a sperm donor would be the best way to go. However, the young man insisted on maintaining the family bloodline and since his father had died at an ea...
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What do staff say to sperm donors as they leave the clinic?
Thank you, come again.
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When I heard you could be a sperm donor by post...
...I came in a jiffy
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I fired my wife from my own company for drinking on work AND wasting office resources.
You know how hard it is to find sperm donors these days?!
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