Once, in the forest, a sapling grew between two trees...
One tree was a birch tree, and proudly said, "That sapling is a son of a birch!"
The other tree was a beech tree, and proudly said, "No, that sapling is a son of a beech!"
The two trees argued day in and day out, but couldn't settle the matter. Finally, they decided to ask the true exp...
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A new sapling popped up between a maple and a pine tree in the forest and they got into an argument over what kind of tree it was. The maple thinks it's a son of a birch and the pine thinks it's a son of a beech. Neither one was willing to concede to the other...
The maple barked, "It's a son of a birch!"
The pine bristled, "It's a son of a beech!"
"Son of a birch!"
"Son of a beech!"
After arguing back and forth for a while, they decided that they needed someone else to sort out what kind of tree it was.
They called Mr. Woo...
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What crime does a sapling commit?
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Why does the army plant saplings every year?
To grow the infant-tree
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What do you call a sapling that betrayed it's country?
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Why did the tree sapling join the military?
Because it was part of the infantry
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Tree joke
Two tall trees, a birch and a beech, are growing in the woods. A small tree
begins to grow between them, and the beech says to the birch, 'Is that a son
of a beech or a son of a birch?' The birch says he cannot tell, but just then a
woodpecker lands on the sapling.
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Two old trees stood tall looking at a young sapling growing nearby
One day, a strong oak tree and a fine beech tree were chatting when they noticed a small sapling growing nearby. The forest was a very competitive place. They both wanted this sapling to be their offspring but there was no way to tell from where they stood. The oak tree saw a woodpecker flying throu...
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A Rabbi, A Noose, A Sapling . . .
A young rabbi was out for a walk when he came across an older man sitting next to a newly-planted sapling. Around the man’s neck was a noose, with the other end of the rope tied to one of the tree’s twigs.
The rabbi greeted the man, then said, “May I ask what you’re doing?”
“What does ...
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Why did the police officer arrest a sapling?
He committed tree-son.
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I pulled my back out trying to uproot a smooth-skinned sapling.
That stupid son of a birch!
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Son of a…
A birch tree and a beech tree stood next to each other in the woods. They were tall old trees, and usually got on quite well.
One day they noticed a little sapling between them, far below. The birch noticed first and said “Hey beech! Check out that little son of a birch down there!”
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What's it called when you a kill a sapling?
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There are two woodpeckers having a conversation in a forest when one of them notices a small sapling growing between them...
"Hey, what species of tree do you think this is? I think it's a beech. Or maybe it's a birch?"
"I don't know! I am going to taste it to find out."
The little woodpecker flies over to the sapling and pecks at it a few times.
"Well? What do you think it is?"
"This, my frien...
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I submit to you, the only joke I have ever heard my father tell.
There are two trees in the forest; one a birch, one a beech. They have grown up together from saplings to fully grown trees. They always had a healthy rivalry going, arguing about everything from the weather to the composition of the soil. In their older years a little sapling started to sprout betw...
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My only good joke... my preacher mother told it to me
There was a birch tree and a beech tree in a meadow, and they hated each other. They were always trying one-up each other saying things like "My leaves are greener!" "My bark is tougher!" "I'm taller!" etc.
Well one day, a fine young sapling sprouted up in the meadow right between the birch t...
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There were these two trees that lived in the middle of a meadow, all by themselves, one, a birch, the other, a beech...
Having nothing much else to do to pass the time, they engaged in frequent conversation with each other about whatever tickled their fancy.
Well, one year, a sapling took root between the two trees and having not much else to talk about, they argued about the sapling for years.
"It's a ...
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There once was a town out west...
There once was a small town out west, nestled between the Rocky Mountains. The town was built on a stream, with a small lake the stream snaked outward from. Most of the town was employed by multiple large orchards nearby, and the town's inhabitants spent their days at the lake enjoying their time of...
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Birch or Beech Tree
A Birch and a Beech tree grow up next to each other. They spend many years talking and admiring the forest. But after such long lives, they start to get bored.
They notice a sapling growing up between them. They start to debate who the father is. Things get pretty heated between them. ...
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I accidentally posted this to the Reddit subgroup "funny". Hopefully I have the right spot now!
Two trees are growing up side by side in the forest one is a birch tree, and one is a beech tree. They are so conceited, theyrarely noticed the rest of the forest around them. Until one day, they l...
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An ageing maple and a gnarled oak were standing on the crest of a hill overlooking a verdant glen.
"You see that young sapling down there," said the oak. "I'm thinking it's a son of a birch."
"No," said the maple. "I'd wager it's a son of a beech."
Just then a ruddy woodpecker landed on a branch nearby.
"Hey Woody," said the maple. "Would you do us a favour and fly down to th...
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔
How does an elephant get in a tree?
A: By sitting on a sapling and waiting for the tree to grow underneath it.
Q: How does an elephant get down from a tree?
A: It sits on a leaf and waits for autumn.
Q: Why did the elephant fall from the tree?
A: It thought it was a leaf.
Q: Why did another elephant...
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A tale of Middle Earth
In the land of Gondor there lived one of the most renowned gardeners in all of Middle Earth.
All the various people would come to Master Kizal for healing herbs that could be found nowhere except his gardens. The Elves would come to him for rare tree saplings and advice on how to care f...
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Son of a beech?
An oak and a maple were standing at the edge of a bluff gazing out over the vast expanse when they noticed a young sapling in the glen below.
"Oh look," said the oak. "A young son of a beech."
"Actually I think it's son of a birch," said the maple.
They turned to a male woodpe...
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A college student was golfing with an old man...
And they get to the 6th hole, a very long par 5 with a huge oak tree right in the middle of the start of the fairway.
The college kid says to the old man, "Any advice on this hole? I'm not sure I can carry over the tree but this hole is too long to lay up on the first shot."
The old ma...
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Father's day in the forest
Two middle aged trees, a beech and a birch, are standing in the forest one sunny day and spot a sapling off in the distance growing strong. They start arguing about whose son it must be. Hearing the commotion, a woodpecker flies over and after learning what they are arguing about agrees to investi...
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Two men are working on a field...
the first one digs a hole, the second one fills it up again. A third man watched for a few minutes and then asks them what they are doing. The second man answers:"Usually there is another man who places tree saplings, but he got sick"
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Two trees in the forest are having a debate.
Two trees in the forest are having a debate. There's a sapling between them, and they're arguing over whose it is. The first tree says "It's a son of a beech." Second tree retorts "No way, it's a son of a birch!" Back and forth they go, until a woodpecker comes along and asks what all the fuss is ab...
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A birch tree and an oak tree are talking in the woods...
"You see that sapling over there Oak? That's my son, he's going to be a great birch tree one day."
"No way!" Says the oak. "That's my daughter, she's going to grow into a fantastic oak tree!"
The two argue for a little bit until a woodpecker comes along and lands on the oak's branch. T...
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