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What is OJ Simpson's computer password?

Slash Slash back-Slash escape.

Robert Khardasian was OJ Simpson's lawyer

And thus began the family tradition of getting black men off.

Did you hear that OJ Simpson finally confessed?

Yep. They squeezed it out of him.

Word on the street OJ Simpson is getting married again..

Sounds like he wanted to take another stab at it.

I was heartbroken the day OJ Simpson was acquitted…

I’d already picked out which TV I wanted…

Remember when OJ Simpson was found innocent and all of us white people hit the street looting and damaging property?!

Oh, that's right, we didn't...

Oj Simpson is ready to remarry...

He knows the last marriage didn't end so well... but he's ready to take another stab at it.

What were Ron and Nicole's last words to OJ Simpson?


OJ Simpson was in a different kind of courtroom this week attempting to regain custody of his two children.

In order to prove to the court how much he loves his kids, OJ pointed out quote "Hey, they’re still alive, aren’t they?"

- An ol' chunk of coal

OJ Simpson got a Twitter...

...I’m waiting for him to post “RT to help me find the real killer”.

OJ Simpson should try stand up comedy...

...I bet he’d be a real killer on stage.

What's the difference between OJ Simpson and Caddyshack?

One had a Bronco pursuit and the other had Chevy Chase.

What’s the difference between OJ Simpson and Christopher Reeve?

OJ got to walk, Christopher got the chair

OJ Simpson was being interviewed the other day. The reporter asked if he'd considered getting married again.

OJ said he had thought about taking another stab at it.

What's OJ Simpson's favorite drink?

A Bloody Mary.

Why was OJ Simpson turned down for the role of Thanos?

The glove didn’t fit.

What do OJ Simpson and the Pittsburgh Steelers have in common?

They beat up on the Browns.

I invited OJ Simpson to my Thanksgiving dinner.

He's good at carving white meat.

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

During OJ Simpson's First Trial, He and his lawyer are in the bathroom...

they are both standing at the urinals and the lawyer can't help but notice that OJ has Nicole tattooed onto his dick, he leans over and says "Between you and me, I know you killed your wife, so why did you have her name tattooed onto your dick?"

OJ answers "Just because she is dead, doesn't m...

Why did OJ Simpson want to move to Alabama?

Everyone has the same DNA.

What's the difference between OJ Simpson and Mufasa?

One's an African lion, the other is a lyin' African.

New England Patriots to bring OJ Simpson on staff...

In an interview, Simpson stated he got the job after responding to a Craigslist ad. He added, "They were looking for a defensive coordinator, and I just though to myself... nobody has more success at building a strong defense than I do."

OJ Simpson, Scott Peterson, and Oscar Pistorius walk into a bar...

...all three order a Bloody Mary.

What are OJ Simpson's favorite keys on a computer?










In an interview Barbara Walters asks OJ Simpson if he thinks he will ever be married again...

He says, "I don't know... One of these days, I might take another stab at it."

Do you know what the Kardashian's family motto is?

Been getting black men off since the OJ Simpson trial.


• Roses are red,

Violets are glorious,

Don't try to surprise

Oscar Pistorius

• She didn't notice Oscar sneaking up behind her. It was the silence of the limbs.

• Oscar Pistorius. Not the first South African with a race problem.

• When Oscar Pistorius sai...

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