
What does The Hulk say when someone tries to steal his mashed potatoes?

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Thor, Iron Man and Hulk walk into IKEA...

Avengers... Assemble
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Why doesn't Bruce Banners pants rip when he transforms into the Hulk?

Because the radiation altered his jeans
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Hulk Hogan had to overcome serious mental issues in order to be famous.

He had to..wrestle mania.
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I call my man part "The incredible hulk"

Because it turns green sometimes.
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What common enemy do the Hulk and Kung Fu Panda share?

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I don’t know why marvel hasn’t tried to advertise on the hulk.

He’s a giant banner after all.
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Did you hear about The Incredible Hulk taking Viagra!?


I figure, since the same jokes are on repeat in this Reddit, again and again, I would throw out a freshly created one.

Apparently, now that the Hulk has been taking Viagra, his catch phrase has become:

"Don't make me horny. You wouldn't like me when I'm horny", whe...

When the Hulk goes into an uncontrollable fit of rage he's "incredible"

When I do it I'm an "alcoholic"
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Descartes becoming The Hulk:

Don't make me think. You wouldn't like me when I am.
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The hulk is the only bisexual marvel character

He smashes everything

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Why was the Hulk charged with sexual harassment at Burger King?

He asked them to hold the pickle.

What did the Hulk say when he first saw Wonder Woman?

Hulk Smash!
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If I were Bruce Banner’s son, the Incredible Hulk wouldn’t exist

“I’m not angry…I’m just disappointed”
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What do you call Hulk dressed up as Captain America?

Star-Spangled Banner
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How does the Hulk look in a suit?

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So I hear the Hulk's believing in Muhammad nowadays...

Now he's gone from "Hulk Smash" to "I Slam".
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Hulk Hogan: Doc, I had to struggle through manic-depression all my career!

Therapist: Are you saying you had to wrestle mania?

What do you call the Hulk's potatoes?

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My kids love The Hulk so I painted myself green for my son’s birthday party.

Man were they excited to meet Shrek.
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How does the Hulk make extra money?

He flips cars.
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(Pickup line) What has 32 teeth and holds back the hulk.

My zipper
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One day, Deadpool joined the Avengers.

One day, Deadpool joined the Avengers. They traveled to a Hydra base surrounded by four barriers.

When they got to the first barrier, Hulk smashed it.

When they got to the second barrier, Tony Stark fired up his Iron Man suit and blasted a hole through it.

When they got to the t...
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So Hulk became a Muslim...

He changes his catchphrase from 'Hulk Smash!' to 'I Slam!'
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Steve Rogers: Bruce, aren't you worried about getting cancer from the Hulk's radiation?

Bruce Banner: That's my secret, Cap. *pulls out a horoscope* I'm already a Cancer.


PS: I know, Bruce Banner is actually a Sagittarius. Don't @ me, bro.

Why is the Hulk a bad journalist?

He is not credible
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Apparently The Hulk's blind date went well.

I asked him about it today and he just said "Hulk Smash."
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Thanos, Hulk, and IronMan created a group chat...

..It’s named SnapChat
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"You wouldn't like me when I'm angry... Because I always back up my rage with facts and well documented sources"

-The Credible Hulk
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What's The Incredible Hulk's favourite London Underground station?

Turnham Green!
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Why shouldn't you buy a shirt from Hulk Hogan?

Cause it's probably a rip-off
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When the Son of Odin beat on the Hulk with Mjonir...

It didn't actually hurt me too bad, the Hulk thought. Especially when the God of Thunder hit him in the back, it was rather like a Swedish massage. So the Hulk let Odinsson whale away. Why did he do this?

Because he was Thor.
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How come the hulk always gets his food first?

They don't want him to be hangry.
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What's the difference between Hulk Hogan and paper?

The Rock beat hulk hogan.
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Tony ambled into a bar, and noticed a bucket behind the counter filled to the brim with cash. "Is there a contest on to win that dough?" Tony asked the bartender. "Yep," the barkeep responded, "It costs $50 to enter, and then you have to do three things:

First you've got to knock out Spike, our 300-pound bouncer. Then we've got a pit bull out back with an abscessed tooth, and it's up to you to yank it out. Finally, the 90-year old lady who owns this place is upstairs. If you can give her a multiple-orgasm, all the money's yours."
Tony was up for ...

My blond friend once used “GokuBatmanHulkPikachuBakugouLucinaMulanAangBangkok” as his e-mail password.

He said that his password needed 8 Characters with 1 Capital.
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After Captain America died, The Incredible Hulk inherited the mantle.

He renamed himself 'The Star-Spangled Banner'.
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What do the Avengers call it when they win a fight without the Hulk?

A Banner Day!
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What do you call the Incredible Hulk when he hasn’t shaved in a few days?

Mark Scruffalo
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What do you call a huge, angry, green man that cites all his arguments from peer reviewed journals?

The credible hulk
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An accountant found guilty of embezzlement was thrown into a cell with a large, hairy intimidating man

The small accountant had heard stories about how he was going to become the victim in this rough prison to which he had been sentenced. He looked up at the very hairy, sweaty, cell mate and slightly trembled.

The accountant was slightly heartened when the hulking man before him asked, "So, do...

What does the Incredible Hulk bring to the Avenger's Thanksgiving meal?

Smashed potatoes.
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The guy that messed with a drug lord

(sorry if anything sounds weird, original is from Brazil)

This guy is chilling at home, when a big party starts at the neighboring mansion. It is a sweet sixteen party, with lots of guests and very loud music. At 1AM the guy is fed up and calls the cops to end with the nuisance. What he didn'...

Did you hear about Bruce Banner losing his temper at the Avengers' pool party?

He made a Hulk Splash
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Yo mamma so ugly...

she couldn't even get The Hulk to smash!
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Superheroes' day off

So it's the superheroes holiday and Superman is looking for some friends to hang out with so he starts flying around and uses his x-ray vision to see what his friends are up to.

He cruises by incredible hulk's place, uses his x-ray vision and sees hulk lifting weights. Superman thinks to him...

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A guy gets taken to his cell on his first day of prison...

...he meets his cellmate for the first time, a huge hulk of a man, who turns to him and says, 'We're gonna play a game, a game of mommies and daddies... Do you wanna be the mommy or the daddy?'

The new convict relunctantly replies, 'I guess I'll, ...I'll be the, ...the daddy?...'

The i...

NSFW: My wife suggested bringing toys into the bedroom to spice things up.

So I fisted her with hulk hands.
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Two Story Restaurant Waiter~

So I got this job at a restaurant that was 2 stories tall. I worked for 3 days hulking trays full of food and drinks and then dirty dishes up and down the stairs. And then I noticed some of the other waiters pointing and laughing at me. At first I though something had fallen off my tray. Then this t...
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If Dr. Bruce Banner always cites his sources

Does that make him the credible hulk?
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"In sick of sewing buttons!"

\-Incredible Hulk's mom

(Got this from the jokes section of an Argentine popular culture magazine, so yeah, us ARgentines have a terrible humor xD)

What do you have if you've got a green ball in each hand?

The Hulk's undivided attention.
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Ryan Reynolds, Randall Park, Birdy, Daisy Ridley, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chris Evans, Margot Robbie, Mark Ruffalo, Taylor Swift, and Donald Trump are playing Among Us.

They start by picking a color.

Trump declares he is Orange: “ I will be Orange because that’s my skin color!”

Daisy then adds, “If you wanna ridicule yourself then fine, I’ll pick blue.

Taylor Swift: “Cyan for the sky.”

Mark Ruffalo: “Hulk green, Hulk pick GREEEEEEN!”
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A Soviet archeology team is in Egypt on an expedition

They come across a pyramid and inside it is a mummy. Unfortunately, they can't determine who the mummy is. They get in touch with the NKVD who arrive a few hours later in the form of three hulking men carrying briefcases. The NKVD goons go inside the pyramid. After a few hours they come out.

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A guy was walking down the street when he glanced down an alley and saw that it was almost entirely demolished. In the center of the rubble laid a man with all his teeth missing and blood pouring from his mouth.

The bystander ran up to the injured man. "What happened?"

"Well, I wath ...
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So Iron Man and Bruce Banner walk into a bar.

They both grab a stool at the bar and start slamming shots. Tony, a notorious alcoholic, maintains his composure.

He turns over to Bruce as he hits more back. He sees Bruce getting tipsy and a bit green.

Tony: "You okay there?"

Hulk: "Hulk smashed!"
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Joke from my daughter.

What is bruce banners favourite kind of potato?

no idea where she picked it up from, but it made me chuckle
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A guy finds a strange cave entrance in the wilderness. Because curiousity's only hazardous to cats he walks in.

He sees a gorgeous woman inside. The woman lets her single-piece dress fall and says: "Take me or climb higher to success" pointing at the stairs carved from the stone behind her....
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During the reception a man stands up for his toast and starts speaking cheerfully.

- What a lovely couple you two are, just adorable. And so many wonderful wishes from all of your beloved guests. But if I may, I would like to wish something for myself. I wish for the bride to give me a blowjob.
The guest are shocked, the room goes silent and the groom, a hulk of a man, stands u...

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Sex & Superheroes

It's annual superheroes new year's party. Batman and Spiderman are chatting.

All of a sudden the Hulk rushes in all red and perplexed.

"Whats up?" asked Batman.

"Well I was upstairs looking for the toilet and I passed the bedroom and saw Wonder Women naked on the bed and moan...

Bumpy Night

An unruly drunk was being escorted out of the bar by a hulking bouncer.

'You should find another job,' the drunk says sarcastically.

"I have a Ph.D in phrenology,' the bouncer says.

"What field is that?'

'I can read the bumps on your head, after i put them there.'
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A father brings home a lie detector robot that slaps people when they lie

and thought dinner would be a great time to test it out.

"So son, where were you doing school today?"

"At School, Dad."

The robot slaps the kid.

"Okay fine, I was watching a DVD at Bill's."

"What movie?"

"The Amazing Hulk."

The robot slaps the kid....

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My 12 year old nephew told me this joke..

I have a green ball in my left hand and a green ball in my right hand.. What else do I have?

The hulk's dick in my mouth!

Cracked me up, he's really posh so was totally unexpected!

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