The second he gets home he finds his wife of 20 years, takes her into the bedroom and throws her on the bed, and pulled some blankets over them.
The wife was shocked, he hadn't been this way since they were young!
Then the man then turns to her and says: "look! My new watch glows in th...
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What's flat, black and glows in the dark?
Iran if they keep it up
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Pubic hair that glows in the dark
Is easier to get out of your teeth
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What's the difference between Mariah Carey and Marie Curie?
One glitters, the other glows
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Scientists have invented an alcohol that glows in the dark.
In other words, you can now get drunk and enlightened at the same time.
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What do you call poultry that glows in the dark?
Chicken Kiev
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Christmas pick up lines
Christmas PickUp Lines: Let's both be naughty this year and save Santa the trip.
Is your name Jingle Bells, 'cause you look like you'd go all the way.
Can I take a picture of you, so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas? Shouldn't you be on the top of the tree, Angel? H...
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A Nun was praying when the priest approached her
The Priest Lightly Tapped the Nun on the shoulder and asked her to follow him
The Priest Walked Away and The Nun quickly followed not far behind him
They arrived In a Room Behind the Church
The Priest Went inside the room and gestured for the Nun to do the same
"Sister, C...
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What did the pirate say when he saw a lighthouse?
Thar she glows!
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My friend was showing me his new golf ball.
He tells me, "This ball is amazing, you can't lose it. If it goes in the rough, it makes a beeping sound. It glows in the dark so you can find it when its getting dark. If it goes in the water, it will float and make its way back to the shore."
I said to him, "That's incredible, where did ...
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(Found this one in an old joke book) What did the police officer say to the firefly?
Who glows there?
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Two men are going golfing, when one stops by the pro shop...
"I need to get a sleeve of balls, you want me to pick you up some"
"No thanks. I just need this one."
"Just one ball? What if you hit it deep into the woods?"
"Well, it makes a whistle after you hit it. Can't lose it. I only need this one."
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Two guys are going golfing
Two guys are going golfing, аnd one guy says, "I'm going to stop for some golf balls. You need any?"
And the guy says, "No, i got one."
"You got one? What if you lose it?"
He says, "You can't lose it. It's a special ball."
"What if you hit in the water?"
He says,...
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Four Friends Are Out Golfing When One Of The Guys Exclaims He Has A Golf Ball That Is Impossible To Lose.
“What if you hit it in the water?” asks the first guy. “The ball floats” “What happens when you pound it into the deep woods?” asks player #2. “It has a GPS and I can track it with my cell phone.” “What about late evening golf when sunset has past?” ask the third player. “The ba...
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔
A man is told by his employer that he has to go see the company doctor in order to keep his insurance...
He reluctantly goes, and is amazed to find no examination table, just a wall full of computer equipment. The doctor walks in and says, "Just place your hand on the scanner here" and shows the man a screen. Bewildered, he places his hand on the screen and immediately the panel glows beneath his hand,...
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Two people meet on the golf course and one of them says, "You have to check out my awesome new golf ball!"
Golfer 1: "This ball is amazing...If you hit it into the rough it flashes and glows so you can see it! If you hit it out of bounds it beeps so you can find it! If you hit it in the water it floats and drives itself back to land so you don't lose it!"
Golfer 2: "That IS amazing! Where'd you ge...
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A guy and his buddy went golfing...
and one noticed the other only brought one ball.
Guy 1: "Hey, what are you going to do if you lose that ball?"
Guy 2: "Well, it happens that this ball is impossible to lose."
Guy 1: "Impossible to lose? What if you hit it in the water?"
Guy 2: "The ball floats."
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Two golfers are playing a round...
One of them slices one hard and after a bit of a search he comes back complaining of how much he hates losing golf balls. The other guy says;
"I actually have a ball that's impossible to lose... I'll give it to you"
"Impossible?" the first guys says, "That's hard to believe. What if it...
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Made this joke up at my great grandmother's house while she was baking today.
One day a baker is trying to sell his bread on the streets but nobody will buy it. He goes home and on the way meets a witch. The witch tells the baker, "I'll make your bread the most special bread in the world! No other bread will be like to bread you make, but you have to pay be 50 gold!" The b...
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Two Alabamans die, and go to hell.
Satan walks by to check up on them, and notices them wearing winter coats and shivering. "What are you two doing?" He says. "This is *hell*, and you're *cold?!*" One of the Alabamans replies, "We've had much hotter temperatures out in Birmingham, this is practically an igloo in comparison!"
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The 25-Inch Dick
Once, there was a man who had a 25 inch dick which was obviously very troublesome for him, he consulted doctors and tried home remedies but had no effect. His mother, who was very religious told him to meet a saint. Reluctantly, he agreed. This was a special saint, who lived in the deep woods of Ind...
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