
How does Frosty the Snowman get to work?

By Icicle.

What do you call frosty the snowman’s wife?

A snow blower.

Why is Frosty the Snowman like my dad?

He said he'll be back one day

Why did Frosty the snowman pull down his pants?

He heard the snow-blower was coming.

Why was Frosty the Snowman smiling?

Because he saw the snow blower coming .

Why did frosty the snowman quit drinking?

Every time he went out he got plowed.

Why did frosty the snowman have to go to the dentist?

He has a very bad case of frost bite.

Who is Frosty the Snowman's most favorite comedian?

Bill Brrrrr.

I'll see myself out...

Frosty the snowman got caught picking his nose

...and he didn't carrot all

Synthesis of these two jokes: [Joke 1](http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/30/80/82/308082e606bbe01cf521a44fc1d1facf.jpg) and [Joke 2](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-enq7MUsd8sQ/Usw-7DQ-oSI/AAAAAAAAW8A/Q_mMpU7km5Y/s1600/carrot+all.jpg)

What did the sun say after melting Frosty the Snowman?

I came, I thaw, I conquered .

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

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The woman explains she wants a bird who can sing. The employee explains "We have one, but he only sings Christmas songs". The womans says "well I'd love to see it!" The employee walks into the backroom and brings out a pretty, brown parrot. "His name is Chet and he only sings when you light a fire u...

My dad's lame holiday joke

During the holiday season, a man is aimlessly drifting around a shopping center, wondering what to get his wife for Christmas. Wandering into a pet store, he asks the shop assistant, "Hey, buddy, you got anything with a Christmas-type theme in here?"

"Well, there is Chet, the parrot," the...

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