
What's Forrest Gump's Facebook password?


What is Forrest Gump password


What is Forrest Gump’s favorite pasta?


Jack Sparrow was talking to Forrest Gump.

Jack asked, "Do you know what a pirate's favorite drink is?"

Forrest thinks for a second, and says "Hi-C?"

Jack shakes his head.

Forrest thinks again and says "Oh, I know. It's Arrrr-Sea Cola."

Jack shakes his head again and says "Rum, Forrest. Rum".

Why did Forrest Gump stop running?

For rest.

Forrest Gump dies and goes to Heaven.

He is at the Pearly Gates, met by St. Peter himself.
However, the gates are closed and Forrest approaches the Gatekeeper.
St. Peter says, "Well, Forrest, it's certainly good to see you. We have heard a lot about you. I must tell you, though, that the place is filling up fast, and we've been ad...

Can anyone tell me who played Forrest Gump?


Forrest Gump finds a magic lamp

he rubs it, and out pops "a Jennay."

Forrest Gump died and went to Heaven...

As Forrest approaches the Pearly Gates, Saint Peter greeted him.
“Ah, welcome, Mr. Gump. We’ve been anxiously awaiting your arrival.”
Forrest looked intently, not quite sure what to make of the scene in front of him.
“Forrest, before I let you into Heaven, I need you to answer three quest...

Does anybody know which actor played Forrest Gump?


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Two soldiers are walking through a forrest.

They’re both starving and searching for food, when they come to a crossroads. They agree, that each will go down one path and look for food. After about an hour they meet back at the crossroad. One of them is empty-handed, but the other one is holding a helmet full of macaroni with bits of meat. The...

What’s brown and sits in the Forrest?

Winnie’s pooh

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Two nuns driving through the forrest....

... when a vampire jumps on the front of the car! One nun says "quick! Show him you're cross!'

The other one leans out of the car window and screams "get the _fuck_ off my fucking car!"

Balloonist and Hiker

An older colleague of mine told me this. It may be older than him.

A hot air balloonist got blown way off course. Realizing how lost he was he decided to lower altitude to see if he could get some help from someone on the ground. He saw a large wilderness expance but luckily he noticed a hike...

A Catholic priest is surprised by a bear in the forrest

The bear charges him and the priest quickly says a prayer,"Lord, please let this be a nice, Christian bear!"

The bear scoops him up in his arms and quietly speaks, "Lord bless this meal that I am about to receive, amen"

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Mr. Bear and Mr. Rabbit live in the same forrest The bear is chasing the rabbit trying to kill it. Until they come across a golden frog who offers them three wishes each

Mr. Bear wishes that all the other bears in the forest were female. Mr. Rabbit wishes for a crash helmet.

Mr. Bear's second wish is that all the bears in the neighbouring forests were female as well. Mr. Rabbit wishes for a motorcycle.

Mr. Bear's final wish is that all the other bears ...

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Little red ridding hood was walking through the forrest...

So little red ridding hood was walking through the forrest on the way to grandma's house. She see's some nice flowers and goes to pick them. There she see's the wolf's feet.

"oh my Mr. wolf, what big feet you have"

Wolf just grumbles something and walks away.

Little red just k...

A hunter was walking through the forrest.....

When he comes across a beautiful naked women, she smiles seductively and says "Im Game big boy"!

So he shot her.

Forrest Gump dies and goes to heaven...

...he is greeted by St. Peter. St. Peter says, "Forrest, to get into heaven, you're going to need to answer three questions.

1. How many days of the week start with the letter T?

2. How many seconds are there in a year?

3. What is God's first name?

Forrest thinks long and...

If Forrest Gump ran a property management group, what would it be called?

New Tenant Dan

I was driving through a Forrest and felt a small bump so

I stopped and pulled over to see what happened . I had ran over a hare. Suddenly a girl came over and sprayed something on the dead hare. It then jumped up ,ran a few feet then waved .It kept repeating this and I was shocked .i asked the girl what she sprayed on the hare.

She said it was inst...

Two blondes are walking through a forrest...

They come across some tracks and the first blonde says." I think these are deer tracks". The second blonde says." No these look like rabbit tracks". They keep arguing untill an hour later they were hit by a train.

How did the crazy man get across the forrest?

He took the psycho path. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Did you hear Forrest Whittaker was caught cheating on his wife?

We always knew he had a wandering eye.

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3 men and their wives were walking through a Forrest late at night...

All of the sudden, a large cat crosses their path. Not knowing what to do, the 6 of them stop.

The first mans wife pipes up and says “don’t worry honey, I have to fight off cougars all the time when they try to hit on you at the bar, I got this”

The mans wife approaches the cougar and...

Smokey the Bear

Do you remember Smokey the Bear? I do. “Only YOU can prevent forrest fires.”

I tell ya, as a kid in the 80’s that really stuck with me. Like, every single forrest fire since, I’ve had to wrestle with it. How is this my fault? What more could I be doing? Why couldn’t I prevent it?

My ...

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There is a bear chasing a rabbit through the forrest...

They are neck and neck and the bear is almost able to catch the rabbit when he spots a magic lamp. The bear comes to a stop and rubs the lamp with all his might. A genie pops out and says he will grant three wishes to both the rabbit, and the bear. The bear goes first.
"I wish I was the only male...

What do you call a tree that lost its family in a forrest fire?

Mourning wood.

Millennials being the first generation to grow up online should have been called Gen-E

But Forrest Gump ruined it for us

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A rabbit spots a fox rolling a blunt

The rabbit dashes to him and shout : " Don't smoke weed man, just go for a run with me!"

And so they went for a run.

After a running for a bit they spot a squirrel ready to snort up a big fat line of coke.

The rabbit again dashes to him and shouts : "Mate, don't do it! just go f...

A Catholic bishop, a Baptist minister, and a Jewish Rabbi meet in a bar.

The three men sit next to each other and begin talking about life and the aspects of their various faiths. The town they all lived in was in a very heavily forrested area and after a couple of drinks the men have an idea.

Each man puts down a couple hundred bucks and they decide to have a com...

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The bear and the rabbit

A bear and a rabbit are walking through the woods and find a lamp. After rubbing it, a genie appears and agrees to grant them both 3 wishes.

For his first wish, the bear says, "I wish all the female bears in this forrest find me irresistable and sexy" and the genie grants his wish. The rabbit...

What do they call Tom Hanks when he's too scared to move?

A petrified Forrest

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I can predict your favorite movie with one simple trick..

This math test will determine your favorite movie.
This is pretty damn amazing. Mine turned out to be Gone With The Wind. Thats my favorite movie! I was surprised how this worked.
Be honest and dont look at the movie list till you have done the math!
Try this test and ...

How do you know coronavirus is an historic event?

Forrest Gump is involved. .

How do you call a sad forest?

forrest grump

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