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2 Southern belles

Two Southern Belles are sittin’ on the veranda,

when one points at the big shiny car in the driveway, and says, “my Daddy bought me that brand-new Cadillac”.

The other nods, sips her julep, and says, “how nice”.

They rock back and forth on the porch swing a moment, and the first...

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Four southern belles

Four southern belles are sitting on the porch on a fine Georgia afternoon sipping sweet tea. The first one says "My husband just bought me this new diamond bracelet. Isn't it just so Beautiful?" All the ladies reply "Hmmm, that's niice."

The second one says "Well now, you see that nice new...

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That's nice...

Three recently married southern belles are sitting together catching up on all that had happened since their respective nuptials. It's not long before the three ladies begin showing off what their husbands had done to spoil them.

The first belle sticks her left hand out and lets the sun hit ...

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My therapist told me a joke about two southern bells.

So two southern bells grow up in a small town in the south and when they finish high school, one moves up to the north for school and the other stays in the town and marries her high school sweet heart.

Years later, the first one comes back to town to visit her friend who happens to be qu...

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Well isn't that nice.

A woman attends her 25 year high school reunion, and a well known one-upper approaches her. The one upper proceeds to tell her about all the wonderful things to happen in her life, their conversation goes as follows. "After high school my daddy got me into Harvard where I graduated with honors". "...

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Well how nice!

Two older southern women recently rekindle a friendship after many, many years. They decide to meet for tea and discuss their lives.

The first older lady, starts telling the second about all the wonderful things her husband has done for her over her life. “See this big ol ring right here on m...

Stowaway story

A depressed young woman from a Manhattan finishing school was so desperate that she decided to end her life by throwing herself into the ocean. When she went down to the docks, a handsome young sailor noticed her tears, took pity on her, and said, “Look, you’ve got a lot to live for. I’m off to Euro...

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