
I hate when people confused etymology and entomology.

In a word, it bugs me.

People who don't understand the difference between...

People who don't understand the difference between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I can't put into words.

People who confuse etymology and entomology bug me in a way I can't put into words

thank you for making my day, u/happy_guy23

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Just failed etymology AND entomology class.

I'd tell you how much that bugs me, but I can't find the word for it.

Entomology (revisited)

Why did the world famous entomologist fire their entire entourage ?

They were sick of ants (sycophants)

My entomology prof was a pretty weird guy.

He showed up like 15 minutes late on the first day of class, then muttered something about how that didn't matter. Old dude, really old, lots of facial hair and wearing old-fashioned clothing and a funny hat.

He sets his books down on the desk, then straightens up and says "What is a *musca d...

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Little Billy loved to visit at his uncle’s junkyard

Even though he ran a junkyard, uncle Stu was a very bright man who loved to teach and answer all of his beloved nephew Billy’s questions. Over one particular summer they restored a classic old car. Each step was a learning experience. When a part was rusted, uncle Stu would explain all about the pro...

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