
Did you hear Ben Dover has a sister?

Yeah, her name is Ilene Dover

Where was the documentary of the Dover - Calais ferry broadcast?

On the English Channel

The best "Ben Dover" type of names you know thread.

I just used one of these types of names as a joke earlier and realized I don't know that many of them. I bet reddit knows a lot of them!

What do you call a lycanthrope from Wilmington or Dover?

A Delaware-wolf.

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Books Never Written

Hey guys, don't know if you're familiar with these kind of jokes, but they were my favorite growing up, so I thought I'd post a bunch of the here. They're pretty corny, but I hope you enjoy!

*Take A Breather* by Justin Hale

*How to Become Famous* by Anonymous

*Living Long* by Di...

So Stan,Ben and Phil walked into a bar

Bartender says, Mr Dup, Mr Dover and Mr McGroin! What can I get for ya?

With Phillip gone, the UK is already making plans for when the Queen passes as well.

They'll toss a soldier off the cliffs of Dover and she'll return at full strength.

Book titles and authors: Don’t fall off the cliff

By Ilene Dover

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Good names

Barry McCockinner
Ben Dover
Eileen Dover
Dr. Hugh G. Rection

Give me other ones

The stormy seafarer

One stormy evening, a seafarer was thrown overboard whilst passing through the strait of Dover. As luck would have it, the ocean currents pulled him unconscious to the English coastline, where he was found and revived by a man adorned in a cape, deerstalker hat and smoking a pipe.

When coming...

So it turns out there were these two cats

So it turns out there were these two cats, an English cat called One-Two-Three and a French cat called Un-Deux-Trois. One sunny day in Dover the two cats happened to meet and soon discovered that they had very similar names.

Being cats, they had to determine which was the better cat. They dec...

What do you call a woman who fell off a cliff?

Eileen Dover...

Have you read the book Grand Canyon mishap?

It was written by Illen Dover and Phil Lin.

The hare and the tortoise

The hare and the tortoise were having a rematch. This time, they decided to race through Europe, starting with London. The plan was to race to Dover, get the ferry across, and go along the French coast, across Belgium, Germany, and head north through Denmark.

The hare figured that his fur wo...

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A man walking along the beach stumbles upon a bottle...

A man who has been walking along a beach stumbles upon a bottle. He picks up the bottle and takes the cork out of it. The moment he does it, out comes a genie.

The genie looks at the man and said,
>“As you have released me from my imprisonment, I offer you one wish!”

The man th...

Forever mortal frenemies

Britain and France. Forever mortal frenemies. The rivalry goes back over 1000 years. One of the biggest sticking point has always been the channel. Is it the British channel or the French? In order to show how one country was superior in the rivalry every 100 years the 2 countries would hold a cross...

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