mesolithicpaleolithicneolithicrockbronze agestone toolflintpotteryprehistoryhard rocksandstoneprimatehomohomo habilisarchaeology

Caveman discovers weed

Caveman discovers fire

Stone age begins
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The most ancient joke from the Stone Age (really)

I've read somewhere that this is considered the most ancient still surviving joke, already told by cavemen around the campfire, literally tens of thousands of years old. (So like the ultimate unoriginal one lol.) Figured maybe you haven't heard it, so here it goes (sorry if my delivery is bad).

Between the Stone Age and the Bronze Age, there was The Copper Age...

Back then, people really knew how to conduct themselves...
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What's the most famous Queens of the Stone Age song?

I tried to google it but it said that no one knows.
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How old was the cave man on his birthday?

Stone Age
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In 100,000 BC, a man woke up, passed a joint to his wife

...and thus started the stone age!
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What do you call a stone age catgirl?

A nyanderthal
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A group of Egyptian soldier were beaten by Stone Age tribesmen after abandoning their steel tipped spears

Oh the iron-y
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What did they call conversion therapy back in the Stone Age?

Homo correctus

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Fred and Barney are standing next to the jukebox,...

Barney says, "Hey, Fred, what do you want to listen to? *Rock* music?"

Fred replies, "You know, Barney, just because we live in the stone age doesn't mean all your puns have to be rock-based. Besides, I have a very eclectic taste in music which better suites my personality."

Barney ret...

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A joke from my English teacher.

Some archaeologists find a cave, untouched by man for a long time.

In the cave they find some typical stone age tools. But they also find some symbols on the wall.

Left to Right:

[A woman](http://i.imgur.com/FjvkI.jpg).
[A donkey](http://i.imgur.com/5sogi.jpg).
[A shov...

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