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Sonny and Cher are playing scrabble. Sonny draws a tile out of the bag and Cher asks him what he picked.

He replies "I've got U babe"
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My wife left me because of my obsession with Cher.

If I could turn back time
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Why are all these youtubers asking me to like Cher?

Is it her birthday or something?
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Who's the most generous celebrity?

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Cher should release an album called "Noble"...

That shit would blow up.

If Trump wins the election, Cher says she'll leave. I like Cher and all, but I think that may be Trump's first big accomplishment.

That'll probably double the amount of plastic we export next year.
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Hey aren’t you the guy that pronounces Chers name wrong?

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What did Cher say to the orphan pig she rescued?

Babe, I got you babe.
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I can count on one hand the number of times I've been in Chernobyl.

At least 14.
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I love how all these young YouTubers are getting into Classic Rock.

They are always telling everyone “Don’t forget to like Cher, and subscribe.”
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What is a Communists favorite musician?

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Cloud of vape

Just walked through someone's cloud of vape smoke and came out the other side as 'CHER' on 'Star in their eyes'.
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Do you know why you shouldn't wear Ukrainian underpants?

Chernobyl fall out.
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A feudal peasant declares that he no longer wants to be a farmer. He wants to tear down his farm an build a nuclear reactor there instead. Further, he says that he fears no punishment from any peasant, soldier, or king.

Another peasant turns to him and asks: "uh, ok, but whattabout cher' noble?"
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A riddle for the day

A riddle for the day

Arnold Schwarzenegger has a big one.

Michael J. Fox has a small one.

Madonna doesn't have one.

The Pope has one but doesn't use it.

Clinton uses his all the time.

Mickey Mouse has an unusual one.

Liberace never used his on women.<...
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It's ok to believe in life after love.

Cher if you agree.
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Why shouldn’t you wear underpants in the Ukraine?

Because Cher-nob-yl fallout!
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A police officer walks into an interrogation room.

"It's over, buddy," he says smugly, throwing down a stack of papers. "We've got you on a double homicide."

"Double?! What are you talking about?" the perp across from him stutters.

"Don't even try to act innocent. We've got video proof. You gunned down two women! Cher and Johnny Depp'...
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Sonny Bono can't tell you the name of the tiger in The Jungle Book...

But Cher can.
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What do you call a cellphone company that uses nuclear power?

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Why don't you buy Ukrainian underwear?

Because cher-nob'll fall out
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Woman meets the Italian

One day, a woman has a date with a French guy at his hotel room, floor 10. The french guy makes the balcony in a romantic mood, wine, food so the woman can enjoy the time with him.

After some time, woman asks the french guy:

Woman: If I would be your girlfriend, how would you treat me?...

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Phil dies and is met by the Devil in front of three doors.

The Devil takes him to one side. 'Look, Phil,' he says, 'we're trying something out to cut down on admin down here. We used to assign punishments to the damned that fit their sins, but now we're letting people choose themselves.'

He gestures to the three doors. 'What I can do for you is this:...

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