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Shortly after the Chernobyl incident...

...China, America, and Germany came too help with their state of the art cleanup robots, and sent them out to show them off to each other.

The Chinese robot broke down even before it could reach the cleanup site.

The Americans cheered as their robot performed its task in the highly i...

I just visited Ukraine's latest tourist attraction, Chernobyl.

I give it four thumbs up!

How do you know a person from Chernobyl is happy?

They wag their tail.

Why did the guy at Chernobyl cry,

Because he was going threw a meltdown.

Just been speaking to a mate of mine, he's just seen the Chernobyl documentary.

He actually grew up in Ukraine in the 1980's and was able to count at least 11 historical inaccuracies on one hand.

What do you call a kid from chernobyl with a broken leg?

a glow stick

I have a friend that lives just outside Chernobyl

After watching the TV Show he told me that he managed to count 14 historical inacuracies within the first 20 minutes... ...then he ran out of fingers.

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If you only sucked average sized penises...

You could accurately say that you suck a mean dick.

Edit: The amount of upvotes on this post has exceeded the final recorded megawatt output from Chernobyl’s reactor number 4 on the morning of the Chernobyl disaster. (33,000)

The reactor was designed to operate at 3,200 megawatts.

What do you and Chernobyl have in common?

Someday someone will enter without a glove.

What's the most popular band in Chernobyl?

Fall Out Boy

Potatoes from Chernobyl

An old woman is shouting at a Ukrainian farmers' market: "Potatoes from Chernobyl! Potatoes from Chernobyl!"
A passer-by asks her, "Why are you telling everybody that your potatoes are from Chernobyl? No one will buy them from you."
“They do, my dear, they do. For mothers-in-law, for neighbo...

Just got off a 15 hour flight from Chernobyl

and boy are these arms legs.

I can count the number of times I've been to Chernobyl on one hand

It's seven

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Little Timmy goes to chernobyl

He sees a butterfly and asks "Mr butterfly, is this chernobyl?"

The butterfly replies

I was an exchange student in Chernobyl...

There were so many extra-testicular activities

Why shouldn't you wear a bra that was made in Chernobyl?


I hear that kids from Chernobyl are really good at math.

After all, they can count to 15 on their fingers.

Guess who's got 3 thumbs and just got back from Chernobyl!


You can never trust someone from Chernobyl.

Most of them are two-faced.

I live in Pripyat and I just finished watching Chernobyl

And I gotta say I counted 17 inaccuracies on my right hand alone.

A grandson asks his grandfather: "Grandpa, is it true that in 1986 there was an accident at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant?"

'Yes there was" answers the Grandpa and patted the grandson's head.

"Grandpa, is it true that it had absolutely no consequences?"

"Yes, absolutely"

answered the Grandpa, and patted the grandson's other head.

I went on a trip to Chernobyl last week

It was rad


I know a man who just watched the series drama Chernobyl. He lives right outside of the place.
He says he counted 9 factual mistakes in the drama series on one hand


Have you ever seen Ronald Reagan's response to the Chernobyl incident?

He thought the Russians were just "overreacting."

It's no wonder Chernobyl nuclear plant had a meltdown.

How could they understand each other? None of them spoke English.

I told this joke as an 8 year old back in '89 and my older brother got so mad at me. He was screaming "They're Russian! They speak Russian!! They don't speak English you idiot!!".

My mom and dad got the joke, so th...

Ukraine has announced plans to open Chernobyl as a theme park.

They say ”Its just like Disneyland.” Except the 6-foot mouse is real.

What do you call hunting for fish in Chernobyl?

Nuclear fishin'.

Apples From Chernobyl

A man goes to a farmer’s market and sees apples and a sign that says “Apples from Chernobyl”.

The man says “What are you crazy? Who would buy apples from Chernobyl?” and the seller says “You’d be surprised. Popular present for mothers-in-law, the boss....”

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Red Riding Hood from Chernobyl with 3 boobs walks through the forest...

Wolf is checking her out from the bushes and thinks about raping her.
Wolf jumps out of the bush, tackles her and starts to undress her.

He sees three boobs and says: "Oh my God, you have three boobs!"
She replies to him: "If you don't like it, you can suck my dick!"

Just watched “Chernobyl”. Turned to my wife and asked if I could put my “Control Rod” into her “RBMK Reactor”

She said no and had a complete meltdown.

I did my first stand up routine in Chernobyl last night

I got glowing reviews

Why are Chernobyl residents smarter than the average person?

Because 2 heads are better than one.

I kept telling chernobyl jokes to my russian friend

But every one went straight over his heads

My GF is like the 4th reactor core in Chernobyl

Hot and non-existent

Im going to Chernobyl but the trip costs an arm and a leg

Thankfully by the time I get back I will have a few to spare

Pravda headline after the disaster at Chernobyl

In the power plant of Chernobyl, our glorious marvel of technology, Soviet ingenuity and craftsmanship allowed hard working Soviet civil engineers, pinnacle of technology advancement worldwide, to fulfill five year plan of power generation in mere five milliseconds.

A band visited the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone without a guide.

Everyone suffered from radiation poisoning, except the lead guitarist.

Chernobyl was a great success.

It achieved the Five Year Plan goal of energy generation... in 0.001 nanoseconds.

I once knew a guy whose parents were from Chernobyl

On the one hand, he was friendly but on the other hand, he was quite clingy. But on the third hand, he had eight fingers.

A metal band comprised of Chernobyl survivors

6 Finger Death Punch

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Ukrainian authorities are planning to turn the Chernobyl exclusion zone into an amusement park

They say the only difference between it and Disneyland will be that the six foot tall mouse isn't a costume.

A Russian joke from HBO’s Chernobyl

What do you call something as big as a house, uses tons of gas, and cuts apples into 3 pieces?

A Soviet machine made to cut apples into 4 pieces.

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From “Chernobyl” on Amazon

What’s as big as a house, burns 20 liters of fuel every hour, puts out a shit laid of smoke and noise, and cuts an apple into 3 pieces?


TIFU by googling Chernobyl at work.

I should have been more careful spelling “naked miners.”

Would it have been possible to avoid the disaster of Chernobyl?

In theory yes, but those damn Swedes couldn't keep their mouth shut.

The whole 'Chernobyl' topic is pretty hot right now.

Although I think it was a bit hotter in 1986.

You guys hear of the Chernobyl X-Games?

The RAD levels were off the charts! Everyone was totally sick!

A man visits his friend in the hospital after the Chernobyl accident

He says, "You look taller." His friend says, "Yeah. I grew a couple feet."

[NSFW] An American and a Russian walk in a bar...

“One beer, please,” asks the American before downing the beer.

“Da, two beer,” asks the Russian in response, downing both.

Not wanting to be outdone, the American ordered;

“Three beers and shot of whiskey, please,” before downing them all in quick succession.

Not one to b...

Honey, I'm starting to think you were born in Chernobyl ...

"Dammit, Stacy! How many times have I explained that's impossible?!"

"I don't know Ben, *how many*?!"

"Well let's just count it on my fingers then ...









Nine! ...

My friend is going around telling everyone that I said the Russians are really proud of themselves for conquering Chernobyl…

No, I corrected, I just said they were glowing!

My Gran barely recognises me after I’ve been staying in Chernobyl for a few months.

It’s not surprising. I’ve grown another foot!

I just heard about IG influencers stripping down at Chernobyl

I guess they really want exposure.

Is it safe to eat apples in Chernobyl?

Pretty much, yeah, only the apple cores should be buried in concrete afterwards.

So HBO is making a new show about Chernobyl...

Seems like a sensitive topic to make a tv show out of. Think they'll address the elephant's foot in the room?

Did you hear about that boy who lived in Chernobyl?

I heard he grew a foot since the last time I saw him.

Disneyland will be opened in Chernobyl. As always, at the entrance, the visitors will be greeted by a 7-feet-tall mouse.

But this time, a real one.

Two scientist were exploring Chernobyl years after the incident.

They were shocked to find a man still living in the area seemingly unaffected by the radiation. They ask the man if he would return with them to conduct some tests to which he agreed.

They explained that as the man was probably highly irradiated, he would have to put on some protective clothi...

What do you call a used shirt from someone from Chernobyl

Third hand

What did the Chernobyl victim name his balls?

Bill, Kevin, Tom, and Steve

Did you hear about the guy that reported the Chernobyl incident to the Soviet Government?

He was always such a goody 3 shoes.

What meal was given out to the survivors of the Chernobyl accident?

Fission chips.

I was ecstatic to finally visit Chernobyl.

Afterwards I spent weeks glowing and radiating happiness.

The Ukrainian government is opening up a tourist attraction in Chernobyl.

It will be like Disney World, except the six foot tall mouse is real.

I asked a Chernobyl survivor if he wanted to listen to a fun story,

He said he was all ears.

It's very difficult to gather mushrooms in Chernobyl

they scramble in all directions when you walk up to them.

When I was exploring the area near Chernobyl, I touched an old electric pole.

That post gave me cancer.

I can fit the amount of times I have visited Chernobyl on my fingers


How many Chernobyl survivors does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

None. They already glow.

Don't buy Ukrainian underpants

Chernobyl fallout

After watching the first episodes of HBO's Chernobyl, as a resident of Pripyat, I can count on one hand all of the inconsistencies I have noticed.

So far, there are 27.

A scientist tried to recreate the Chernobyl disaster using only transparent gases

It was a new, clear reaction.

Everyone here is on about going to Chernobyl and getting mutated. I also went there and didn't see anything strange at all

I'm telling you. I saw it with my own five eyes

What do Chernobyl policeman and a box of chocolates have in common?

They’ll both kill your dog

An old ukranian man once told me

“I can count the number of times i’ve been to Chernobyl on one hand son”

“How many times?” I asked

“14 , it’s 14”

Don’t buy Ukrainian boxer shorts...

...Chernobyl fallout.

(*has to be read in a British accent*)

Kids all over the world have beautiful smiles

Kids from Chernobyl radiate

What’s the most popular breakfast in Chernobyl?

Eggs Quarantine

I learned that Chernobyl Nuclear Plant has a 4.1 star rating on Google.

Apparently it would be more, but people ran out of fingers.

Did you hear about the guy who won an award for having the most extra body parts?

He won the Chernobyl Piece Prize.

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