A man in ancient Rome cannibalises his wife and frames his neighbor Ridiculus.
Ridiculus goes to court and says, "I'm-a in-nocent-a! You have-a gott to beli-eve-a me!" (Ancient Romans sounded like Italians, in case you didn't know.)
They sentence him to fight in the colosseum. Turns out he his quite good at fighting. In no time he becomes the best, and he makes a great ...
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How would Maximus Decimus Meridius feel if the Emporer cannibalised Maximus' wife?
Glad he ate her.
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Four football players are stranded on a deserted island
One of them succumbs to dehydration and the others begin to panic about their own fates. The eldest of them nods grimly and proposes a solution.
"Lads," he says, "it's not nice, but we're going to have to cannibalise him if we want to survive. I play for Liverpool, so I'll eat his liver." ...
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