barack obamabeau bidengulf warclarence thomasrobert borkiraqdelawaredemocratic partyamtraknatojill bidenranking memberirish peopledick cheneyvietnam war

Biden will NEVER get my guns

I keep them upstairs
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Biden was in 3 states today.....

Confusion, unconsciousness, and disorientation
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My name is Joe Biden and...

I forget this message.
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What's the best thing about being Joe Biden?

Waking up every day and learning that you're the president.
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It's 2021, and President Joe Biden is told he needs to assemble a cabinet

Coming back from IKEA, he realizes he's greatly misunderstood the task
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Why doesn’t Joe Biden visit children with cancer in hospitals?

Because he can’t sniff their hair.
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My penis is like Joe Biden.

Slightly left-leaning, and nobody's first choice.

China is already welcoming Biden

China is already welcoming Biden.

They have even named a central landmark in Beijing for Biden.

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President Biden has announced water is now only legal in three states.

Solid, liquid and gas.
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President Joe Biden announced that he would give a free bottle of Bud Light to anyone who got a vaccine.

Not to be outdone, the next day, the President Obrador of Mexico announced that he would give a bottle of Corona to anyone who got a vaccine.

The day after, the President Higgins of Ireland announced that he'd be giving out free bottles of water.

Biden and Obrador were confused and gav...
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Joe Biden had a meeting with the Cabinet today

He also spoke to the bookcase and argued with the desk.
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Biden and Barack don't tell each other "yo mama" jokes...

they tell each other Jo 'Bama jokes.

(I'm sorry, it's terrible)
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Biden runs for re-election in 2024.

He promises it will be a great first term.
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Why is Joe Biden afraid of getting COVID?

Because he'd lose his sense of smell.
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President Biden visits a fully vaccinated senior home

After a heartful speech in which he thanked the staff for their effort and the residents for their sacrifices he was doing the hand-shaking round. As he greeted a particular old woman who appeared to be quite "out of it", he asked her, "Do you know who I am?". Her response was simply, "No, but there...
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Joe Biden called a press conference, to discuss his meeting with Vladimir Putin…

“The good news, is that Mr Putin told me that he wants peace.”

After everyone cheered and clapped in relief, he added the bad news…

“A piece of Crimea, a piece of Ukraine, a piece of Finland…”
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Someone asked President Biden, "Boxers or briefs?"

He said, "Depends."
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President Biden has called for full legalization of marijuana

Now it is up to Congress to hold a joint session.
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President Biden ordered an F16 missile attack to destroy the Chinese spy balloon

Americans are thrilled. It's the first thing he's done to combat inflation.
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Biden had a meeting with his cabinet this morning

then he talked to the bookcase for a while, and now he's arguing with the couch!
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Hopefully, Biden will never be the leader of my country

Because if he is, something‘s gone wrong with the Canadian legal system
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Joe Biden's Least Favorite Song?

Stairway to Heaven
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Who would win in a street fight between Joe Biden and Donald Trump?

Everyone watching
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Biden has won so many times in Michigan now

he's legally required to change his name to Ohio State.
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Joe Biden recently said his kid's won't have offices in the white house.

Mainly because he also won't have an office in the white house.
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What’s Joe Biden’s favorite arcade game?

Space Invaders
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If Joe Biden’s wife is called the first lady, what do we call his mother?

Joe mama.
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Trump and Biden are trapped on island. Who survives?

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Putin and Biden are wrapping up their discussion...

Putin says: "You know, Joe. I had this dream few days ago"

Biden: "Oh, what kind of dream?"

Putin: "I saw America, in flames. Nuclear warhead crater where Capitol used to be. New York leveled. Los Angeles covered in human ash. It was Glorious, Joe. I nearly teared up..."

Biden: ...

Xi and Biden have a bet

Xi wagers that in 100 years time China would be the dominant superpower, while Biden is confident that the USA will remain uncontested.

So after their terms ended and they reached the end of their mortal coil, they were cryogenically preserved in Switzerland and woken up in 100 years.

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Boxers or Briefs, Mr. President?

In 1992 while being interviewed by MTV, Bill Clinton was asked if he wore boxers or briefs? Clinton replied, "Boxers"

In 2008 US magazine asked Obama, "Boxers or briefs"? Obama declined to answer the question.

Last week AARP asked Joe Biden, "Boxers or briefs"? Biden responded, "Depend...
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My favorite joke I’ve ever read on Reddit, one of the first I’ve ever read here too: Everyone Knows Dave

Dave was bragging to his boss one day, "You know, I know everyone there is to know. Just name someone, anyone, and I know them."

Tired of his boasting, his boss called his bluff, "OK, Dave, how about Tom Cruise?"

"No dramas boss, Tom and I are old friends, and I can prove it." So Dave ...

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The Bidens went out to a restaurant.

The waiter serving them asked Jill Biden for her order first.
"To start, I'll have the french onion soup. Then the prime rib, medium-rare, with a baked potato, with butter and sour cream."
"Excellent, Doctor. What about the vegetable?"
"Oh, he'll have the same thing."


Biden visits a nursing home.

He goes over to an elderly woman and asks, “Do you know who I am?” She replies, “No, but if you go to the front desk, they’ll tell you.”
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If Biden is elected, I'm leaving the country

If Trump is reelected, I'm leaving the country.

This is not a political post. I just want to travel.
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Before the end of the world, God gathered three presidents: Biden, Xi and Lukashenko.

God told them: “Go and tell your people that in two weeks, the world will end.”

Biden went back to US and said: “I have two pieces of news. One is good, and the other is bad. The good news is that God exists. The bad news is that in two weeks, the world will end”.

Xi w...
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What do Joe Biden and trans people have in common?

Republicans want to block their transition
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Biden wanted to know if Putin was still alive...

Putin himself decided to send Biden a letter in his own handwriting to let him know he was still in the game. Biden opened the letter which appeared to contain a single line of a coded message.


Biden was baffled, so he emailed it to John Ke...
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When Joe Biden becomes president

The white house will be forbiden.
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If Hunter Biden ever goes to jail...

And doesn’t write a book called “Biden time” it would be a big missed opportunity.
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Joe Biden Singing the Alphabet

Joe: "A, B, C, D, E, F, G,"

"H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,"


"I don't remember the rest,"

"Nor can I sing,"

"That doesn't matter,"

"You know the thing."
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Putin, Biden and Zelensky are all in a hot air balloon

... when suddenly they started to lose altitude. They need to lose some weight to stop from crashing.

Putin throws out a bottle of vodka and says “don’t worry I’ve got too much of that in my country anyway”

Biden throws out an AR-15 and says “don’t worry I’ve got too much of that in my...
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What healthy item does Joe Biden enjoy eating?

Forbiden fruit
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Why does joe Biden use a Mac?

Because apparently he doesn’t want you to have windows.
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Joe Biden walks into a bar and sees a pretty, young blonde chick.

He sits down next to her and says "So, do I come here often?"
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What does Joe Biden say to young girls when he leaves the room?

"Smell ya later!"
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Putin, Zelensky and Biden are on board a plane.

Suddenly, the plane is losing altitude and they are about to crash. On board there are only two parachutes.

Immediately, Putin snatches a parachute and jumps out to save himself.

Biden takes the remaining parachute and gives it to Zelensky: "Save yourself, my friend. I am m...
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The President invites the Pope to lunch on a boat. The Pope accepted and during lunch, a puff of wind blew the pontiff's hat off, right into the water. It floated off about 50 feet, then the wind died down and it just floated in place.

The crew and the Secret Service were scrambling to launch a boat to go get it, when Biden waved them off, saying, "Never mind boys, I'll get it."

Then Joe climbed over the side of the yacht, walked on the water to the hat, picked it up,

walked back on the water, climbed into the yacht,...
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How many Biden supports does it take to change a lightbulb?

None, they just change the definition of ‘changing light bulb’
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Even before being President Joe Biden could access any restricted Area

All those places are usually for Biden
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Biden family gets a cat in the White House

How long before it knocks the economy down?
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Joe Biden is a Jack of all trades

Apparently he has his fingers in many pies.
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Biden has a higher approval rating among female voters than Trump

However it was the Mail voters that won Biden the Election.
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An American and a Russian were arguing about the differences in their countries.

The American says: Listen in my country i can walk into the oval office and i can hit the desk with my fist and say “ President Biden I do not like the way you’re governing our country”

The Russian says: i can do that.

The American says: what how?

The Russian says: i can go st...
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So Putin, Biden and Zelensky Goes to A Boat Trip...

They got stuck in the middle of the ocean, not a single land on sight. After a few hours, they decide to swim back, but they were afraid of hypothermia.

Putin puts his finger into water and says "The water is approximately 32°C".

Biden puts his finger into water and arrogantly says "No...

Biden to Putin: Stop planning the invasion of Ukraine.

Putin: Crimea River.
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How could you tell that Joe Biden is Irish?

Cause he worked for O’bama.
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What is a government mandate?

When Obama and Biden go out to dinner together.
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What is the difference between a Joe Biden speech and a Donald Trump speech?

When Biden is speaking you wonder if he's had a stroke.

When Trump is speaking you wonder if you've had a stroke.
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We should thank Trump and Biden

For giving this great standup comedy night.
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I hope Joe Biden will run for president in 2020

Because when he announces it he's able to say that he's been Biden his time.....

I'm sorry
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Biden, Macron, and Putin make a bet who is going to successfully feed mustard to dog

Biden takes the mustard bottle, shoves it in dogs mouth, then squeezes. "That's animal cruelty!" the other two protest.

Macron takes a sausage, puts the mustard inside it, then give it to the dog. "That's cheating!" the other two protest.

Putin takes the mustard, then squeezes it all o...

Two Trump supporters die and go to heaven

God meets them at the pearly gates and asks if they have any questions. One of them says, “Yes, what were the real results of the 2020 election and who was behind the fraud?”

God says, "My son, there was no fraud. Biden won the electoral college fair and square, 306 to 232.”

After a fe...
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My girlfriend told me she will leave me if I don't support Trump...

I said ok.. Biden
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Barack Obama is having a race with Joe Biden around the white house.

After finishing the race Obama says "Whew, just under 10 minutes. Did I break the record?"

Biden replies "No, Bush did 9:11."
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Robot Bartender makes a great Martini

A guy goes into a bar, there's a robot bartender. The robot says, "What will you have?"
The guy says, "Martini."
The robot brings back the best martini ever and says to the man, "What's your IQ?"
The guy says, "168."
The robot then proceeds to talk about physics, climate change, and AI m...
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Why I won’t be voting for Trump or Biden

I’m Indian
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Why is Joe Biden like the Coronavirus?

They are both sweeping through the states, taking the elderly's breath away.
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Donald Trump, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are in a boat, and the boat sinks. Who is saved?

The United States of America.
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Trump and Biden tied in a hypothetical 2024 matchup: poll

5% for Biden, 5% for Trump, and 90% said, "God no!".
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When all's said and done it's been an impressive mpressive show from both Biden and Trump

Who would have thought two blokes in their 70s could maintain an election for this long?
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I'm not voting for Biden or Trump...

**....I own a cat and spend enough time checking boxes for pieces of shit.**

If people are calling the American Stimulus money Biden Bucks...

Does that mean the last stimulus check was
Trump Change?
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Greg Abbott and Joe Biden are having a meeting when suddenly a genie appears

"OK, look, here's how it's going to go. I can only grant three wishes, so one of you will get two and the other will only get one. And since you're already men of power and means, you have to choose wishes that will serve your constituents."

Abbott immediately screams that he wants the two...
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Hey, is your refrigerator running?

Good. I'd vote for it over Trump or Biden any day.
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Trump and Obama meets during inauguration.

Trump asks: Barack, your approval ratings are pretty high. I love ratings bigly. Can you give me some tips?

Obama: The key is having a strong administration. I make sure that my administration not only works hard but is also composed of smart people.

Trump: What do you mean?

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Pope Francis, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and a little boy are crossing the Atlantic on an airplane when the engines fail.

They find three parachutes.

Donald Trump grabs the first parachute and jumps out of the plane saying, “The world needs a great person like me!”

Joe Biden grabs a parachute and says, “I need to help make choices for our world”, so he jumps off the plane. 

At this point, the Po...
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Joe Biden will never be my president

partially because I'm not American, but he will be the president of the united states.
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What did Trump say to Biden in the hallway of the white house?

Pardon me, please.
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You want further proof that Biden is already the better president?

He's got 23 million more Twitter followers than Trump.
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Biden and Trump are at the same barber shop

Biden and Trump are at the same barber shop. As they sat there, each one being worked on by a different barber, not one word was spoken. When the barbers finished shaving, the barber that had Trump reached for the aftershave. Trump quickly stopped him saying: “No thanks, Melania will smell that and ...
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Joe Biden and Donald Trump are standing in front of a large crowd.

As they are waving to everyone, Biden leans towards Trump saying,

“Did you know, that with one little wave of my hand, I can make every person in this crowd go wild with joy? Also, this joy will not be merely a momentary display, like that of your followers, but will go deep into their hearts...
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Jan 22. 2021, Washington DC A guy goes up to a guard at the White House and says "How do I get in to see President Trump?"

The guard says "Didn't you hear? Trump isn't president any more. Biden is president." The guy walks away.

Next day, same guy goes up to the same guard and asks again:

"How do I get in to see President Trump?" And the guard says "Sir, I told you yesterday, Trump isn't president any ...
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Joe Biden should change his campaign slogan

To make America great again.
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A cold snap across the United States has seen Texas dealing with temperatures as low as -18

The demand for electricity has led to blackouts across the state, causing some people to go without Fox News for so long, they've stopped blaming the weather on Joe Biden.
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As a gamer I find it strange that Biden was declared the winner...

Trump had way more kills
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Joe Biden is not my president!!

At least not till January which won’t come soon enough.
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If Biden unfucks any more of Trump's mistakes any faster...

There'll be no Ivanka and Jr. by Sunday.

Trump: I want to see Biden in prison!

Biden: Why does Trump think I would visit him in prison?
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Joe Biden is not my president. I didn't vote for him!!!

No seriously guys he's not my president. Im from Nepal. I didn't vote for him.

P.S. Congrats US for taking the first step towards undoing the 4 years of chaos.
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Trump actually attended Biden's inauguration

He was the crying baby you heard right before Biden took his oath
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Shhhh, Want to know the secret of how Biden won the election?

He got more votes.
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