aardvarkmonotrememammalechidnapangolinmyrmecophagidaearmadilloplacentalplacental mammalant bearnumbatmongoosemarsupialgiant anteaterspiny anteater

The Anteater

An anteater walks into a bar! The bartender, who is extremely famous, asks if he can get him a drink. The anteater responds "noooooo." This surprises the bartender as no one has ever declined a drink before. He decides to ask the anteater if he'd like a basic drink, a rum and coke! The anteater resp...

An anteater walks into a bar

The anteater asks the bartender for a drink and the bartender asks "is Pepsi okay?" The anteater replies "noooooooooooo". So the bartender asks "is orange juice okay? And once again the anteater replies "noooooooooooo". One more time the bartender asks "how about water?" The anteater agrees that wat...

An anteater walks into a coffee bar ...

... where all the workers, naturally, are English majors and grads. "I'd like a cinnamon latte," he said, "where the cream balances the astringency of the dark roasted coffee beans and the grated spice adds a piquant warmth to the taste of the beverage."

"Why the long clause?" asked the bari...

An Anteater walks into a bar....

Bartender says "can I get you a drink"
"How about something to eat?"
"What about some peanuts?"

Frazzled, the bartender says "What's with the long no's"?
Anteater replie...

A anteater walks into a bar and orders a beer.

The bartender says, “That’ll be $10. You know, we don’t get many anteaters coming in here.”

The anteater says, “At $10 a beer, it’s not hard to understand.”

Humans can catch diseases from monkeys and bats, but why not anteaters?

Because they are filled with anty bodies.

What did the selfish anteater say when offered a full course French dinner?

Is this all fourmis?

Why don't anteaters ever get sick?

They're full of anty bodies.

Scientists confirmed today that anteaters are incapable of contracting Covid...

Apparently they're filled with anty-bodies

How can we determine an anteater's diet?


A horse walked into a bar.

The bartender looked at the horse and said: "Hey buddy, why the long face?"

Later, a bear walked into the bar and said: "I'll have a ... beer." The bartender looked at the bear and asked: "Why the big pause?"

Soon, three anteaters came in and requested a bowl of ants to share. The bart...

What do you call an anteater?


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An anteater walks into a bar...

"First the horse, now this asshole" remarked the bartender.

Credit: u/reduxde

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The lion king gets into a fight and loses his teeth

Consequently he orders the rhinos his personal bodyguard to tell the animal kingdom to bring soft food and if any animal brings hard food they will stick it up in their ass.

A very long line of animals with soft food gets together in the Lion's palace towards the end of the line there is an ...

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