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What's the difference between Amazon Prime and the Amazon River?

The Amazon River actually has sails.
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A Frenchman, an Englishman and an Iowan are travelling down the Amazon River in a canoe...

They get abducted by Natives who tell them,

"We will use your skin to make conoes, you may kill yourself in any way you like."

The Frenchman asks for a knife and says, "Viva la France!" And he slits his throat and dies.

Next, they ask the Englishman how he would like to die. He ...
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So there's an Amazon River now? What's next? Lake Facebook? Mount Paypal?

How did Amazon manage to name a whole river in South America after them? Did they pay the governments of all the countries it flows through, for the naming rights?

What was the river's name before Amazon bought the naming rights to the river?

And how long will it be before there are ot...
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Yesterday I thought I was in the Amazon river

Turns out I was in denial
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A tourist walks near Amazon river on a very hot day.

It's really hot and he wants to swim in the cool water. He asks a local:

-Are there any crocodiles in the river?

The local guy:

-No, there are no crocodiles...

The tourist jumps into the water.

The local:

-...because piranhas ate all of them!
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This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

Welcome to the jungle

An Englishman, Frenchman, and a New Yorker all decide to go on an adventure through the amazon rainforest.

While they are traveling down the river, the men all get lost. They then come together to decide the best course of action. They decide to go to the shore in order to gain their bearing...

Three explorers get abducted by cannibals

While on an excursion on the amazon river deep in the jungle three explorers are surrounded and captured by a tribe of cannibals. They are brought before the tribal leader.

He looks at the first and says, "we're going to dine on your flesh, we're going to use your bones to make tools, an...
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A Missionary in South America

A Missionary in South America teaches native indigenous tribesman to English language. They paddling on a boat on the Amazon River and the Missionary teaches him: "This is a river. This is a forest. These are the trees. There are leaves on them. "

Down by the river they saw a couple making l...
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Two men sign up for a tour...

...of the Amazon River. When they get there, the two men are extremely excited to start this journey, as it was not easy to pay for.
They finally arrive, and, hardly containing their enthusiasm, show their tickets to the woman at the cash register.
Upon seeing the tickets she tells them to f...
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