limacolombiaecuadorbrazilandesboliviachileamazon riversouth americainca empireperuvianpanamaphilippinesspanish languagemachu picchu

Why hasn't Peru adopted LED lights yet?

Because they are proud of their incan descent.

Why are Pokemon considered manly in Peru?

It all dates back to the time of Macho-Pikachu

I just learned that Peruvian Owls always hunt in pairs..

It's because they are Inca hoots.

There once was a man from Peru,

Whose limericks stopped at line two.

My grandmother's favorite joke

A priest dies and arrives in heaven. Here, a couple of angels greet him, shake his hand, and welcome him.

A few moments later, a drunken Peruvian bus driver appears. He is welcomed with a celebration, fireworks, and God himself comes to welcome him.

At this point, the priest, somewhat...

A man walks into a bar and orders three drinks.

The barman serves him and then watches as the man alternates between each drink until all three are empty.

"Why do you drink them in that fashion?" asks the barman.

The man replies "I have two brothers, and they've both recently moved away. One is in Portugal, and the other is in Peru....

I don't Bolivia

Peru-v it.

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Boxed In

There was a young girl from Peru

Who filled her vagina with glue.

She said with a grin,

“If they pay to get in,

They’ll pay to get out of it, too.”

“Sarcasm doesn’t get you anywhere “

Me: well it got me to the sarcasm world championships in Peru 98

“Really “

Me: No

A man from Peru decided to visit America, although he spoke no English.

Upon reaching it, one of the first thing he did was go into a department store.

He found his way to the menswear department where a young lady offered to help him.

“Quiero calcetines, (I want socks)" said the man.

“I don't speak Spanish, but we have some very nice suits over ...

Here's one you might know...

There once was a man from Peru

who dreamed he was eating his shoe

he woke with a fright

in the middle of the night

to find that his dream had come true.

What country does every one called Andy come from?

Peru, because it's the home of the Andes!

Steve treats John as a Rival

Steve always fall second next to John in everything in High School, when they graduated high school John graduates as the Top of the class and Steve is second.

On then Steve vowed to study hard in college and comeback to humiliate John. John are not able to continue his studies because their ...

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Food and Country

Yesterday I was so Hungary, I decided to Czech if there was any food.
I was Russian to the fridge, but found only a Turkey full of Greece.
Iran to the store to get some salt, pepper, Chile and Korea-nder, because I was in the mood for some Sweden sour.
I found Iraq of pork chops but there w...

Three young priests are sitting in a pub... (NSFW)

They've all recently graduated from the seminary, and they've just been told where they're being sent for their first posting: they've all requested missionary work overseas.

The first one takes a huge swig of his pint and slams it down on the table triumphantly.

"Well, I'm over the mo...

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