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The doctor had finished his examination of the patient and was ready to give his professional advice. "Quit smoking and drinking, go to bed early every night and get up at the crack of dawn" he said. "That's the best thing for you"

"Frankly Doc" the patient answered, "I don't deserve the best. What's second best?"

Citation: "Our Town" in White Plains, N.Y., Reporter dispatch (Reader' Digest Treasury of Wit and Humour 1958)
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Old Marine goes to a party

A crusty old Marine found himself at a Winter Ball where there was no shortage of hot ladies in attendance.

One lady approached him and said,
"Excuse me Marine, but you seem to be a very serious man. Is something bothering you?"

"Negative, ma'am. Just serious by nature." The young ...

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An old veteran is sitting in a bar

A prostitute looking for work approaches him. "Say old man, when was the last time you had sex?"

The man responds "That must have been around 1958"

"1958?" exclaims the prostitute "that's a mighty long time you haven't slept with a woman!"

"Is it?" replies the man, and looks at...

Harvard Bridge

The Harvard Bridge in Boston that runs to MIT is measured in "smoots," after a 1958 fraternity prank where freshman Oliver Smoot was used as a device to measure the bridge.

There are various humorous side stories, such as:

1. when the bridge was rehabbed in the 1980s, the sidewalks wer...
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A very old German veteran took the bus home after visiting a history museum.

On the bus, he decided to take a quick 10 minute nap.

When he woke up, his shoes were gone.

Surprised, he asked the young lady sitting beside him if she had seen it. She replied in the negative.

After some more minutes of searching around without success, his frustration turned ...
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Have you heard the old one about a woman doing a survey on sexual attitudes?

She stops an airline pilot and asks him, amongst other things, when he last had sexual intercourse. He replies 1958. Now, knowing airline pilots, the researcher is surprised and queries this. Well, says the pilot, it's only 2110 now.

(Credit, John Cleese c. 1991)

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