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I was going to make a pretty decent unboxing video today

However it’s against the rules to film in a cemetery...

I was peacefully making an unboxing video when suddenly everybody around started thrashing me.

Guess nobody knows the trend around here at the funeral.

I was making a new unboxing video for my youtube channel.

And then I realized my grandpa’s body has been replaced.

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

What do you call a recording of a female to male sex reassignment surgery?

an unboxing video

What did the necromancer say at the funeral

Hi there
I'm Bob the necromancer and today I am going to be doing a unboxing video

An inventor is about to pass, leaving all he has to his only family. His two children.

He was a very altruistic person in life, only using his inventions to help people and not make any profit. His daughter admired this trait and followed this path becoming a tinkerer herself. His son, however, was an opportunist. He would always attempt to make a profit off any of his father's invent...

If you play a prize fight backwards

Is that an unboxing video?

I went to a Youtuber's funeral recently but unfortunately the casket fell over...

Best unboxing video ever.

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