A huge bloke decked in full hunting gear and with an entire dead wildebeest over his shoulder made his way to Nairobi airport.
As he approached the desk the airline attendant noted the wildebeest carcass but more alarmingly noticed that the suitcase he was dragging was bulging sporadically and clearly contained something large and very much alive. Feeling slightly nervous but determined to do his job the attendant challeng...
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Voodoo dildo
A man walks into a sex shop and tells the shopkeeper that he'll be going on a trip soon. He tells the shopkeeper that his wife is very sexually active, and to keep her happy he wants to get her something to keep herself busy. The shopkeeper goes to the backroom and brings the man a box. The shopkeep...
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The Fly at the Lake
There was once a fly buzzing around a lake.
"If I come down three more inches," he said buzzing around sporadically, "I can finally get me a drink of water."
Just beneath the surface was a fish watching the fly buzz around.
"If that fly comes down three more inches," he said wit...
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