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I’ve just joined the Flat Earth Society.

We have members around the globe. (credit https://thejokecafe.com )

flat earth

Idebated a flat earther once. He stormed off saying he'd walk to the edge of the earth to prove me wrong.
I'm sure he'll come around, eventually.

I was arguing with a flat Earth believer

We argued about how many members the flat Earth community had. He said "We have members all around the globe".

Flat Earth theory debunked

We can say with certainty that the Earth is not flat because if it was cats would have tossed everything off the edge already.

I just got kicked out of Flat Earth Facebook group.

I just got kicked out of Flat Earth Facebook group because I asked if the 6 foot social distancing guideline has pushed anyone over the edge yet.

The Flat Earth society have made a new documentary....

.....which has been nominated for the Golden Globe award.

The Covid19 situation has been especially stressful for the Flat Earth Society.

They fear that the social distancing measures could push people over the edge.

Over heard my flat earth believing friend talking about global warming..

I told him to make up his mind.

Two flat earthers die and go to heaven. At the pearly gates they have the chance to ask god any questions they want and get truthful answers, so one flat earther asks god "is the earth flat?" to which god answers "No."

The flat earther looks at the other and says "this goes higher than we thought".

Heard about the viral YouTuber booted out of the Flat Earth Society?

They caught him trying to expand his sphere of influence.

My friend was so convinced of flat earth, he said he was going to Antartica to find the edge.

He came around eventually.

The British Flat Earth society opened a branch in the US

It is called Apartment Earth Society.

Say what you will about flat earth theory

But last time I checked all the water on the surface of the earth isn't carbonated

I have been expelled from the Flat Earth Society.

Apparently, I went too far.

Why is it impossible for a flat Earther calculate the volume of the Earth?

Because there is always a rounding error.

My brother is a big believer in Flat Earth Theory

but he is starting to come around.

I was playing a flat earth documentary on Netflix when my wife walked in.

What you watching?


Never start fights with flat earth theorist!

They’ll always go over the edge

The International Flat Earth Society Annual Conference was going to be held on Zoom this year.

Unfortunately they all agreed on the same start time.

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A flat earther dies and goes to heaven.

At the gates of heaven, St. Peter says to them, "Before you enter the gates of heaven, you may ask god one question."

The flat earther asks, "God, is the earth flat?"

God responds, "The earth is 100% a globe."

The flat earther exclaims, "Holy crap! This conspiracy runs deeper th...

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Today a flat earther friend of mine told me the earth was as as flat as my sense of humor.

I told him his girlfriends ass would've been a better comparison.

Here’s a joke: the Flat Earth Society

The earth is obviously a donut

Why will the flat earth society never be popular?

Because they cant get the word a round.

The flat earth movement have a proud announcement to make:

We now have followers all around the globe.

What's the difference between Blizzard's dignity and Flat Earth Theory?

Some people still manage to believe in Flat Earth Theory.

Flat-Earthers always change what they say about the Flat Earth for their convenience. Luckily there aren't any other groups that do that.

Thank God.

The real reason for the missing of many flat-earthers in recent weeks as suggested by their friends of similar thought

The Flat Earth Society has reported that the 6 foot social distancing measures have led to the pushing of some of their members over the edge.

I wasn't always a Flat Earther. In fact, I used to believe the Earth was round...

...until your mom sat on it.

Flat earthers used to think that the earth was round

But since then they've really ironed out their theory

Flat Earthers say we’ve never truly seen real pictures of the earth

but I’ve never seen my dad and I know he’s real

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