The Earth people in the background of a science fiction movie
are Terrestrial Extras
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What do you call an overweight alien?
An Extra large Terrestrial
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In honor of Area 51, what do you call too many aliens in one place???
Extra terrestrials
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remember when jokes like this were funny... before smartphones?
A chap walks into a pub carrying two suitcases. He puts them down and orders a drink. As he pays the barman notices that he is wearing a large watch.
'That's a large watch' says the barman (see I told you!)
'This watch,' says the man, 'is the very latest in high tech gadgetry. It'll te...
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What do you call aliens who are very loud and over the top?
The EXTRA-terrestrials.
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Aliens and Western Classical Music
In 1977 Nasa launched the Voyager Spacecraft into space. The spacecraft contained multiple pieces of music, among other things, including J. S. Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 2. It's likely that extra-terrestrial life will have developed a fondness of German Classical music and will one day come to...
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A young engaged couple were very much lookimg forward to their marriage.
One Sunday afternoon they went out for a drive in the country, and had a terrible head-on collision with a heavy truck.
Suddenly they found themselves unexpectedly at heaven’s gates, to the surprise of St Peter also. “How come you two are here?” he asked, “You weren’t due here for another fif...
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There once was an evil queen...
This queen was a dreadful ruler, but it was primarily because, like superman, she was an extra terrestrial being practically immortal, and superior to the human race she conquered. She'd make continents(ignoring Antarctica) compete in building large sculptures of her and the last place sculpture wou...
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Another: Isaac Asimov's "Death of a Foy"
It was extremely unusual for a Foy to be dying on Earth. They were the highest social class on their planet (with a name which was pronounced -- as nearly as Earthly throats could make the sounds -- Sortibackenstrete) and were virtually immortal.
Every Foy, of course, came to voluntary de...
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