fibonacci numbermathematicianmiddle agesgolden ratioliber abacipisaitaliansscientistitalyconsulscientificbejaiascienceneurosciencescientifically

Just got my ticket to the Fibonacci convention!

I hear this year is going to be as big as the last 2 put together.
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Why was Fibonacci afraid of 5?

Because 5, 8, 13.
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This fibonacci joke

is as bad as the last two you heard combined
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My friend claims that understanding a Fibonacci sequence is hard, but I disagree.

It’s as easy as 1, 1, 2, 3.
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Fibonacci’s day at the fair

One day Fibonacci goes to the fair with his friends: Ms.One, Mr.Five, and Dr.Twenty.

While Fibonacci perused the fairgrounds, his friends decided to enjoy a variety of different competitions and games.

Ms.One thought to try her hand at the ring toss and ball throwing games. S...
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Want to hear my latest joke about the Fibonacci sequence?

It's as good as my previous two Fibonacci sequence jokes put together!
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Fibonacci decides to start a game of hide and seek...

“Ok”, he says, covering his eyes, “you guys go hide and I’ll count to 34”
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A man is sitting at home when he hears someone knocking at the door



Knock knock

Knock knock knock

Knock knock knock knock knock

"Who's there?"

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"What did you think of my new Fibonacci joke?" the man asked.

"It was as bad as your previous two Fibonacci jokes combined," she taunted.
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Your Fibonacci name

Is your first name and second name added together.
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Heard of the Fibonacci soup?

Apparently , the ingredients are :
Yesterday's soup and day before yesterday's soup.
Price : $1.61
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I tried to teach a class on how hard it is to make a Fibonacci Sequence.

But it spiraled WAY out of control!
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I heard many Fibonacci jokes

Every one of them made me laugh like the previous 2 combined
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔


*knock knock*
Who’s there?
*knock knock knock*
*knock knock knock knock knock*
Piss off, Fibonacci!

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