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What does the F in Ethiopia stand for?


Did you hear the score of the England vs Ethiopia soccer game?

England 8. Ethiopia didn't

What's the main cause of emigration in Ethiopia?

The wind

What do you call the fattest man in Ethiopia?

A tourist.

Whats the national dish of ethiopia? Dont know?

Neither do they.

Did you ever hear about McDonald's sending 10 million straws to Ethiopia..

Ethiopia wrote back and said thanks for the leg warmers

Two brothers from Ethiopia

Two brothers from Ethiopia opened up this place selling camel’s milk. They brought their own camels, all the way from Ethiopia. I was interested, so I paid them a visit.

They happened to be milking the camels when I came in. It wasn’t what I expected. Nagasi wiped his brow and cried out, “Sa...

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This is a translated joke form my country (Ethiopia)

Two mental patients were walking when they spotted an odd thing on their path and they started arguing about what it was. Patient one said "It looks like honey" but patient two argued "No this is definitely poo" so they argued for quite sometime until they figured out a solution, one of them would t...

The President of Ethiopia pays a visit to Moscow to meet Vladimir Putin

So the two sit down and discuss their politics when Putin says, "Hey, I'm bored, we have a fun little game we play here called Russian Roulette. We should play it."

"How do you play?" The President of Ethiopia asks.

"Easy, here's a pistol. It has a round and some empty slots. Point th...

How do you start a rave in Ethiopia?

Staple a piece of bread to the ceiling

How do you start a rave in Ethiopia?

Duct tape a piece of bread to the ceiling.

If you are what you eat...

Then there's nobody living in Ethiopia.

If each letter in Ethiopia stood for a word describing the country,

The f would stand for food

A Frenchman and an Ethiopian got into a heated argument.

The Frenchman said, "We have better food, wine, standard of living, transportation, infrastructure, economy, and GDP than you! What do you have? Nothing!"

The Ethiopian answered, "At least we didn't surrender to the Axis!"

A doctor is weighing kids in Ethiopia.

"40 kg, pretty good, send the next class"

She's technically not wrong...

This actually happened last night with my girlfriend...
Me: So did you read 1984?
She: Yeah, I did...utopian society right?
Me:No it is the total opposite...do you know the opposite of utopian?
She: yeah..Ethiopia right?
and yes she was being totally serious.

Football game between Jamaica and Ethiopia. Final result?

Half the grass eaten, half the grass smoked.

Three dogs were talking about their lives.

The Swiss dog said, “When I’m hungry I bark and my owners bring me meat.”

The Ethiopian dog said, “What is meat?”

The North Korean dog said, “What is bark?”

At my school, the cafeteria has "World Cuisine" day once a week, in which one foreign nation's traditional cuisine is on the menu. Last week, the country was Ethiopia...

...they served us nothing.

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What’s so good about an Ethiopian blow job?

You know that she will definitely swallow

What caused the civil war in Ethiopia?

Too many Negus.

What was the name of that white girl’s Collie who went on all those adventures in Ethiopia between 1930 and 1974?

Haley's Lassie

Do you know what the last result of the World Cup was?

Spain - 8 Ethiopia - didn't

An African American invited a white friend over for dinner ...

(Disclaimer: I got the idea for this joke from a post from /r/youdontsurf)
An African-American man named Noah invited his white friend, Brad, over for dinner with his family.

When Brad arrived at the Noah's house, Noah told him that dinner will be out very soon, and guided him to a seat a...

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