I heard people are getting paid to mention companies and do product placement in their Reddit posts!
That's almost as crazy as the discounts at Jez's Furniture Emporium. Sale this weekend
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The Chancellor of Germany, Prince Harry's wife, and the actor who played Gollum should set up an emporium of pubic wigs in Sarkel, Russia
...and call it "Merkel, Markle and Serkis' Sarkel Merkin Circus"
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A Man arrives at his small business first thing on Monday morning. He is met by the local Sheriff and his deputies, armed with a warrant for his arrest and a full search and Seizure of his business and assets.
After he is placed in handcuff and read his rights, a Slim mild mannered man in a suit approaches him and identifies himself as an IRS agent.
IRS Agent: “Are you Mr Jones who resides at 188 Boardwalk Rd?”
Mr Jones: “Yes I am”
IRS Agent: “Do you own and run ‘Jones: Fun house...
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔
Voodoo d***. (INAPPROPRIATE)
A man and a woman get married, and they have the best sex. Better than most people would think, and their sexual compatibility is a large part of their relationship. One day, the husband finds out that he needs to go on a business trip that will last a couple of months. He decides that in order to k...
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