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Was looking forward to Cyberpunk 2077.

Got Cyberpunk 2020 instead.

Why is Cyberpunk 2077 so unpolished?

Well, who knows. After all, the company is Polish.

When they introduced cyberpunk 2077

I didn't get that 2077 was the release date

I don’t understand how people are complaining about visual bugs in Cyberpunk 2077

It’s just your character’s cyberoptics malfunctioning.

I was playing Cyberpunk 2077 when my mom took a pan and violently bashed my laptop to pieces.

She *really* freaks out seeing so many bugs.

What does Cyberpunk 2077 and Jackie Welles ave in common?

They both died two hours after release.

The year is 2077...

Brexit negotiations continue.
Nevada has counted 98% of the votes.
Cyberpunk has been delayed again.

Cyberpunk 2077 has created a story about corporate interests crushing people under the weight of commodification and dehumanisation, with high tech stakes about a world full of technology gone awry.

The game has similar themes.

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