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Somebody offered me free Hamilton tickets if they could have my place in line at the Covid vaccination clinic, but I had to turn them down.

Not throwing away my shot!

I finally convinced my hillbilly friend to get a Covid vaccination, but he doesn’t want Moderna.

He says, “ just because she sang some good pop songs back in the 80s don’t mean she knows how to make a vaccine!”.

what do the elderly least want to hear at the covid vaccination clinic ?

“Dr shipman will see you now”

The Queen had her COVID vaccination today. It shouldn't be surprising, she's dealt with having a little prick before..

Prince Andrew, sixty years ago.

Warning! Had two covid vaccinations and still ended up in the ICU

Gor hit by a bus on the way out

Just seen a bloke down the market selling the Oxford Covid Vaccinations..

£2 each or 3 for a Pfizer

A dad joke by my friend’s dad

There is a guy who wants to take the Covid vaccination. He asks a stranger “hey mate, I’m new to this locality, where do they give the vaccination here?” To which the stranger replied “on the left arm.”

Caring Homeless

I just saw 9 homeless people under an overpass in San Franisco giving each other Covid vaccinations. What a caring community we live in.

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