Three old men are sitting around in a convalescent home,
And the first man pipes up:
“I wish I could have just one good easy piss. I’ve had enough with this dribbling, and trying to get it out, always waiting and waiting and waiting.”
The second man chimes in:
“I wish I could have one just one easy poop. It either comes out runny and ...
I've been reading a lot about the covid vaccine vs convalescent plasma. I'm 100% convinced
that the covid vaccine is easier to spell.
Miracle cure
A plumber, a violinist, an astronomer and a redneck*, all suffering from various infirmities, were sitting in a convalescent home when suddenly an angel appeared. The angel spoke to them:
"I have come to give you the gift of health! Mr. Plumber, what is your ailment?" The plumber answered...
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