
Why should you never listen to coins?

It never makes any cents
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There is a coin shortage in America

They are officially out of Common Cents
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When receiving payment in gold coins, pirates used to verify their purity by biting into them

In other word, criminals only accepting payment in bit coins goes long way back
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A man goes to ask the great guru, "Which is better, large breasts or small breasts?"

The great guru asks him "How much money do you have in bills in your wallet?"

The man quickly counts the money. "Thirty dollars."

"And if you had thirty dollars in coins," said the guru, "which would have the greater mass- the coins or the bills?"

"The coins of course."


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I was digging in my garden this morning and found some gold coins.

I was really excited and rushed inside to tell the prostitute about it but then I remembered why I was digging the hole in the first place.

Whoever coined the phrase “dad bod” missed a golden opportunity...

Should've called it "the Father-figure"
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Whoever coined the term ‘delivery’ for childbirth made a big mistake.

It should have been called takeout instead.
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A magic coin

I have a magic coin that whenever flipped lands on its side.

I can't make heads nor tails of it.
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I really hate it when beggars shake their coin jar at me

I know you have more money than me, you don’t have to be a dick about it!

A korean couldn't find his coin, so basically ...

a korean lost a korean won
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Why did Buddha start pulling coins out of his butt?

Because change comes from within.

A stranger find two French men throwing coins in a park.

When the stranger asks why the French men are doing that, one of them replies,

"We are trying to see who can throw these coins the highest! Whoever wins owes the other a hot dog!"

But suddenly the other French man interjects,

"Wait! I thought we were going off distance, not heig...
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Every machine in the coin factory shut down suddenly with no explanation

It just didn’t make any cents
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My son swallowed several coins the other day.

I've definitely seen some change in him.
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Why won't Americans switch to a dollar coin?

They're afraid of change.
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I think Reddit used a scheme when selling coins,

And I believe it was a shilling technique.
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Almost all coins look the same

This must be what we call a coincidence
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A Chinese coin joke

Boy meets girl in a club. After the usual preliminaries and some vertical dancing, they go back to her place for the horizontal kind. As they are madly undressing each other, she sees he's wearing a Chinese coin on a leather cord around his neck. "What's this about, tiger?", she asks. He gives h...
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How were the coin-collecting artist's victims murdered?

They were drawn and quartered!
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A man walks into a bar and orders a beer.

After having the beer, he asks the bartender for the bill.

"$3", says the bartender.

The man just for fun goes on and places a $1 coin on the three ends of the table. The bartender gives him a bad look but has no other option but to pick them up.

This happened for 3-4 days an...
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A soldier in WWII was shot but coins in his pocket stopped the bullet.

It was his life savings.
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When I'm older, I want to be a 1€-Coin

Why? Because wise people always tell me: Be the change you want to see in the world
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I can't stand homeless people

Every time I leave work, one of them approaches me and shakes his can full of coins just to show off how he has more money than me.
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I apologize for the coin shortage.

I started a swear jar.
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Reddit Coins.

That’s it, that was the whole joke…
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Atheism and Religion are but two sides of the same coin.

One prefers to use its head, while the other relies on tales.
(Joke Originally from The Joke Cafe - http://thejokecafe.com )
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Some weird German kid just gave me a gold coin.

Thanks for the gold, strange kinder!
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I hate it when homeless people shake their cups of coins at me

I get that you have more money than me, no need to rub it in
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I saw someone rubbing an American coin with a Canadian coin, hoping they would conceive.

I thought to myself, "That doesn't make cents..."
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I’m not a fan of the new coins released with King Charles’ head on them.

But then again, I’ve never liked change.
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I was digging in the woods and found a chest filled with gold coins

I ran back home excitedly to tell my wife the good news.

Then I remembered why I was digging in the woods.
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A guy was sitting on a park bench when he suddenly produced a loud long fart. When he got up there was a pile of coins.

It was the wind of change.
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The missus keeps sorting coins into neat, separate denomination piles

I'm not sure if she has OCD or if she's just going through the change
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A guy walks into a bar and asks for a beer

"That'll be five dollars", says the bartender, and the guy throws 20 quarters onto the floor. Reluctantly, the bartender picks up the coins and serves the beer.

The next day, the guy comes into the bar, asks for a beer, throws 20 quarters onto the floor, etc.

The next day, again.

Where do coins get committed after a crime?

The pennytentiary
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If Trump gets a coin every time he gets criticized

He would have built the wall using his own money.
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A man tries to pay for lunch with coins made of flatbread

Waiter tells him they won't take his naan cents
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I made a virtual bubble wrap to keep you all busy during quarantine. There might be some irregular bubbles, but that is normal.

>!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!Nev!< >!er !< >!Gon!< >!na !< >!Giv!< >!ve !< >!You!< >!Up,!< >!Nev!< >!er !< >!Gon!< >!na !< >!Let!< >!You!< >...
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I told my ex she was cross between a rare coin and female dog.

Two Faced Bitch

At church one Sunday, a teenager made a contribution to the collection plate by dropping in a coin from his pocket.

As he passed the plate along, someone behind him tapped him on the shoulder and handed him a $20 note. Impressed by the person's generosity, the teenager added the $20 to the collection plate.

But then he received another tap on his shoulder and heard a whisper, "Son, that was your $20. It fe...
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I went metal detecting in Germany hoping to find an old coin.

I missed the mark though.
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The only two white actors in Black Panther are Martin Freeman, who played Bilbo Baggins, and Andy Serkis who played Gollum.

They're the Tolkien white guys.

Edit: Swigity Swoo, I got a silver from you?

Edit: Golly Gee, a gold for me?

Edit: Boo hoo, a baby snoo too?

Edit: Cowabunga Grift, I got a coin gift!

Edit: Beagle pup, here comes a bless up!
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I met Buzz Aldrin once and asked how he felt being the second man on the moon...

"Well" he said, "it could have been anyone. Right up until we landed, we hadn't decided who would be first out the door.

Then, once we touched down, Neil suggested we toss for it."

"And he won?" I said.

"Well, no" he mumbled. "The coin was still in the air when Neil jumped do...

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The Queen's breasts

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful Queen with large breasts.

Sid, the Dragon Slayer, obsessed over the Queen for this reason. He knew that the penalty for his desire would be death, should he try to touch them, but he had to try.

One day Sid revealed his secret desire to ...

I made little coins out of some Indian flatbread

I thought they were cool, but my mom said it was nothing but naan cents.
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A boss said to his secretary, "I want to have sex with you, but I will make it very fast.

I'll throw $1,000 on the floor and by the time you bend down to pick it up, I'll be done."

She thought for a moment then called her boyfriend and told him the story. Her boyfriend said, "Do it but ask him for $2,000. Then pick up the money so fast, he won't even have enough time to undress hi...

Last year a guy took his Blonde girl friend to the Superbowl

They had great seats right behind their team's bench.

After the game, he asked her how she liked it.

"Oh, I really liked it," she replied, "especially the

tight pants and all the big muscles, but I just couldn't

understand why they were killing each other over 25 cents."<...
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What idiot coined the term ex-fiancĂŠ

Instead of near-Mrs
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"So, I guess you've never been with a prostitute before then." She said.

I replied "Well, No, but how can you tell?"

She said "Look, don't worry about it, just take the pound coins out my vagina and we'll start again."

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A nun goes for a bath

Ten minutes in there's a knock on the door. She looks around to grab her towel but must have left it in the bedroom. She peeps out the window to see who has called.

''Who's there'' she yells
" Hi Sister Kathleen, it's the blind man " is the response

" He's probably loo...

I really hate the fact that after the Queen’s death the Australian coins are being updated..

But then again, I don’t like change.
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So The Canadian Government Is Changing The 2 Dollar Coin

Under pressure from the LGBT community the Canadian government is taking the Iconic polar bear off the 2 dollar coin and replacing it with 2 male deer mating.

Now everyone who has one will have “2 Fucking Bucks” in their pockets

A man throws a dollar coin into a wishing well...

and a genie pops out. The genie tells him "You have thrown the largest money value into this well since it has been built. You may have one wish."

"I want a dragon."

"Are you sure? That's... pretty big, and would probably give me away. Anything else?"

"I want to learn how to fol...
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I just bought a belt made from coins.

Cost me 2 grand... it is a waste of money.
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Hey grandpa, do you know that mom said that she will never forgive you because you let me eat a coin and didn't do anything?

She must be nuts if she thinks that I will spend thousands of dollars in a hospital just to get 10 cents back
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What do you call someone who hoards old English coins?

A guinea pig

Why did Australia get all the criminals while America got all the puritans?

>!Because Australia won the coin toss!<
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A lady and her little boy is eating in a restaurant. In an oversight, the kid swallows a coin and starts choking.

The mother tried hitting his back, slapping on the neck, shaking him hard without any success to make him spit the coin.

A man gets up from a nearby table, he lowers boy's pants, and squeezes his testicles. Voila! The boy spits out the coin.

The mother thanked the gentleman...


Since the united states has a nationwide coin shortage, does that mean we lack common cents?
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A LADY lost her handbag..

It was found by an honest little boy and returned to her.

Looking in her purse, she commented, “Hmm, that’s funny. When I lost my bag there was a $20 note in it. Now there are 20 $1 coins.”

The boy replied, “That’s right, lady. The last time I found a lady’s purse, she didn’t have any ...
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Coin flip

One day, Bob came home from school and proudly told his father, “My teacher taught us about the probability of a coin flip today! A coin will land on heads 50% of the time all the time!”

Bob’s father: That’s... not quite how it works.

Bob: Nuh-uh! My teacher said so!

Bob’s fat...
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Did you hear how there's a national coin shortage?

The U.S. Mint's production of about 1 billion coins per month has been slowed due to COVID-19 safety precautions for the workers.

The good news is that they've overcome the bottlenecks and will be overclocking their machines for increased production. They plan on averaging 1.65 billion coins ...
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A joke about a shutdown coin factory.


It makes no cents.
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Guess who I bumped into on my way to the eye doctor!


Edit 1: Wow, this blew up. is this where you post your soundcloud?

Edit 2: My inbox is ruined, I should start charging reddit coins for formatting questions.
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Why was the Brexit coin delayed?

Because the British couldn't agree on a border.
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A man inherits a priceless coin collection...

from his deceased grandfather. One day a friend of the grandfather sees the grandson and asks him about the collection.

"Oh that? None of those coins worked in the laundromat, so I swapped each one of them for a shiny new coin at the bank." The grandson replies.

"You did what?!" The ol...
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National Bank of USA decides to save some money on coin making...

so they buy a cheap coin making machine made in China.

Soon enough, it stops working, and the bank sends an engineer to fix it. As he looks into the machine, he realises that the hardware is completely different from american, and he does not understand anything about this Chinese coin making...
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There is a national coin shortage. Go figure...

All anybody is saying right now is that we need change.
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How can you tell if a coin is fresh?

You can still smell the mint
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hard to find coins, hard to find killer...

A rare coin dealer was found dead in his shop on thursday morning.

Police said he was beaten 'cent-less...'
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Benny swallowed some coins and was taken to the hospital.

When his mother asked how he was, the nurse said "No change yet."
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A priest goes to the barbershop and asks how much a trim would cost.

The barber answers, "oh, you're a holy man, I can't charge anything." He gives the priest a trim, the priest thanks him, and leaves. The next day, the barber finds some gold coins on his doorstep.

After a few weeks, an imam comes to the shop. He asks the barber how much it would cost for a be...
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What do you say about the coins you toss into a wishing well?

Money well spent
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A joke I thought up while dreaming last night: Why do criminals hate coins?

Because half of them are coppers.
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My son grabbed some coins from his mother's purse and swallowed them.

We weren't sure how much he actually swallowed at first, but we finally figured it out using the process of elimination.
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*coins falling from the sky*

Me: what is this?
Climate: change
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People who work in coin factories sure are lucky.

They make a lot of money.
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Whoever coined the phrase “Quiet as a mouse”

has never stepped on one.
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Heard they are getting rid of the 1p coin. Not sure how I feel about this...

On one hand I'm opposed to change but on the other I'm opposed to change.
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Did you hear about the Scotsman who dropped a ÂŁ1 coin?

When he went to pick it up, it hit him on the back of his head.
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A grade school teacher was instructing her students on the value of coins.

She took a half-dollar and laid it on her desk. "Can any of you tell me what it is?" she asked.

From the back of the room came the answer: "Tails!"
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John the archaeologist is digging under a theatre and discovers 5 pots of gold coins...

Ecstatic, he tells his lead archaeologist

"Graham, I've found 3 pots of gold coins!"

"What's that John? You've found 2 pots of gold coins?"

"That's what I said, a whole pot of gold coins!"
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What is the similarity between me and an experiment involving a biased coin with two tails?

The probability of getting a head is zero.
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I said “I love you” to my cake.

It burst into tiers.

Edit: rip my inbox!

Edit 2: so many awards but no gold? I dare you to gild me. Go ahead, make my day!

Edit 3: Guys I was being sarcastic and referencing the movie Sudden Impact (cries in being old). Whoever gilded me just wasted their coins but still, thanks...
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I had surgery to become a 50p coin.

My father always said 'Be the change you want to see in the world.'
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Coin flipping contests are rigged!

Just a heads up.
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In Vegas, a blonde walks up to a Coke machine and puts in a coin.

Out pops a Coke. The blonde looks amazed and runs away to get some more coins.

She returns and starts feeding the machine madly, and of course the machine keeps popping out the drinks.

Another person walks up behind the blonde and watches her antics for a few minutes before stopping he...
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My friend and I were betting on a coin.

I asked my friend to give me a heads-up before he flipped it.
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Coin toss

Little Johnny : I was feeling so sleepy this morning that I tossed a coin to decide whether I should attend class or go back to bed.

His Friend : So, what did you finally do?

Little Johnny : I had to toss 10 times before I could finally go back to bed.
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My friend bought a used coin making machine

Him: "It doesn't work anymore, but I bought it anyway."
Me: "Why would you do that?? It doesn't make cents!"
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Manufacturing of the first coin to enter circulation carrying the image of King Charles is underway at the Royal Mint. As is tradition, Charles faces left on the new 50p

As when it comes to things involving her children, the Queen always looked the other way.
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U.S. singles may be bills, and Canadian singles may be coins...

...but Asian singles are in my area.
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Why did the boomer have a no coins policy in his store?

He couldn’t tolerate change.
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Due to the coin shortage the restaurant didn’t give me any change.

It’s non-cents.
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A man takes his blonde girlfriend to a football game

A man takes his blonde girlfriend to a football game. After the game is over he asks if she had a good time. She replied “yes that was fun, but I don’t understand why they do all of that for 25 cents”. The man, puzzled, asks “what do you mean?” To which the blonde replied “well the game started with...
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I heard the Mint stopped making coins...

It just doesn’t make cents
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The Queen of England’s coin purse must weigh a lot.

Like millions of pounds.
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If I had a pound coin for everytime I had no clue what was going on

i'd just be wondering why I have so much money
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A man accidentally swallows a coin

He is then admitted to the hospital, when his friend comes to check on him he asks the nurse on any updates.

The nurse says: "No change yet."
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Steve dates a girl for the first time

Unfortunately, he doesn't know anything about sex, so he fears that it could get serious

Desperate he asks his friend Tom, a real Casanova, for some tips

Tom thinks for a little bit and says:
"Alright, if you want to please a girl, its all about movement. Let's do an exercise!"

I never realized British coins were so heavy

They can really add up to pounds.
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In response to the American coin shortage, Canada has committed to providing the U.S. aid

They give us Nickelback
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Once there lived a horny man (NSFW)

There was once a horny man, who always wanted to suck the Queen's tits. He kept fantasizing, but he knew that he could never do it. He got a friend who was in the King's Palace, so he decided to ask him for help. The Friend agreed to help the horny man to fulfill his dream, but the horny man should ...

An old man walks into a bar and slams a bag of gold coins down,

addresses the customers by saying, "I'll give this entire bag of coins to any man here able to drink 10 pints in 2 minutes'"

Nobody takes him up on the offer but he notices an Irishman getting up and leaving.

A few minutes later the Irishman is back and says to him, "Is yer wager stil...
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A coin manufacturer was fired the other day because he made no cents.

I tried to help, but he wouldn’t change.
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If I had a nickel for each time somebody mixed up a coin...

I would be like, why you giving me all these dimes.
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I tried to buy a guys coin collection, but it wasn't worth much.

Just my two cents
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An old man threw a coin into a wishing well, asking for life to be well from here on out.

Then he fell in.
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