
Eastern European Charade

I am stuck between Russia and Poland.

I am getting hit very violently.

Yellow is one of my two colors.

What am I ?







**A tennis ball in Dubai Semi Final**

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The world's greatest charades player

The world's greatest charade player brags that he can guess any charade.

A TV producer decides to use the charade player in a TV special. He issues a challenge offering the charade player a million dollars to guess a very hard charade on television. The charade player agrees.


What do you call it when you wear blackface to play charades?

Parler games.
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I was playing charades with a deaf guy

Or as he called it, "having a chat".
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What's the worst word to get in charades?

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My group of friends and I were getting completely destroyed at a game of charades

These deaf people must be cheating or something
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A man walks into a bar…

He goes up to the counter and bets the bartender free drinks all night if he can prove his dog can talk, to which the bartender agrees.

The man asks the dog, "What is on top of a house?"

"Roof!" says the dog.

Not good enough according to the bartender so the man tries again.
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I remember last Christmas, we were playing charades and my grandad was up, suddenly he collapsed and did a huge fart.

I guessed “Gone with the wind?”
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The worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of Charades.

And then all your friends feel bad, because they kept yelling "Stroke!"
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From the moment I saw you I knew I wanted to do unspeakable things with you...

Like playing charades!
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Dark joke ahead

So I was playing charades. It was my friend's turn and he put something around his neck. He never told us what it was, he really left us hanging
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Having a heart attack is pretty bad

But even worse if you’re playing charades.
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I was watching the WWE wrestling with my son today...

...when I finally snapped at the whole charade and blatant fakeness of it all.

It's about time he was told he's adopted.
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What's the difference between US Politics and WWE?

one is a predetermined charade that takes a tremendous amount of willingness to suspend disbelief

the other is pro wrestling.
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I entered a gameshow to win a million dollars...

The gameshow required guessing the unknown using your five senses.

In round one, I stuck my hand into a covered box and guess what was inside by feel. Without hesitation I knew it was seaweed and tinfoil. I would know that feeling anywhere.

In round two, we were paired and had to guess...

A moth goes to a podiatrist

The podiatrist asks "what seems to be the problem?"

The moth says "Doc, where do I begin man."
"I hate my job, my boss doesn't even seem to know I exist even though I've worked my ase off for him for 20 years"
"My marriage is a joke, sometimes I look at my wife and realise I hardly even...
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A moth walks into a podiatrist’s office.

He says “Doc, I’m not doing so well. My wife, Mrs. Moth is thinking of leaving me, my son Julio Moth hates me, my daughter Cindy Moth is a failure, and my boss Gregory Linovich is an evil person who feeds off my very demise. You see, I work at a factory and I’ve been at the place for 20 plus years. ...
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Congress wanted to make a "US tour" so that they could meet and greet the citizens

So they gather all up and jump into a bus, you know, to make people think they were not spending the people's taxes on plane tickets.

They start going to the major cities and doing their charade but then they didn't arrive to their next destination. Investigation starts and the police fin...
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Foreman Problems

A foreman was at the base of a building being constructed and could not locate his trusty hammer. He spots a worker a few floors up and yells to him "Hey could you toss me down a hammer?" The worker apparently couldn't hear what was yelled and he yelled back "What?"
Again the foreman yells "Toss...

Just as the Count was about to pounce on van Helsing, the door to the library was flung open.

Incontinently, a host of furious villagers stormed into the library, waving blazing torches and voicing dire threats. The Count turned to leap on them, then reeled back, repelled at the reek of garlic that wafted from them like a solid thing.

"Count Dracula!" cried the burgomaster, a solid ci...
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