bigotrylip serviceinsinceritypretencedishonestycynicismduplicitydissemblinghypocriticalsanctimonyarrogancedeceitstupidityposturingselfishness

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My favorite Norm Macdonald joke

(Iā€™m paraphrasing a bit)

Someone told me that the worst thing about the whole Cosby thing was the hypocrisy. I disagreed.

I thought it was the raping.

RIP you magnificent bastard.

(Edit: formatting)

Roses are red, sorry for the Hypocrisy

But hey, weā€™ve updated our privacy policy
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I hate hypocrisy,

unless it happens to suit my purpose.
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I think hypocrisy is okay.

I hate hypocrites though.
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A List of Things I Hate

1. Unoriginal jokes
2. Hypocrisy
3. Irony
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-Sir, there are people protesting our products outside because of our animal testing.

-I'm tired of all this hypocrisy ā€¦big pharma and cosmetics test their products on animals all the timeā€¦
-Yes sir, but we make dildos.

Iā€™m all for three things . . .

Maintaining parallel structure, always using the Oxford comma and hypocrisy.
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People wear masks that cover o my half their faces in the bank and they are ā€œresponsibleā€ ...

But I wear a full-face mask in the bank and suddenly Iā€™m ā€œdangerousā€ and ā€œa criminalā€?

The Hypocrisy!
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The 5 things I can't stand in this world.

4.The Indians
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There's two things I hate.

Hypocrisy and condescension. Do you understand what I mean?
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An old man walks around town with his grandson...

"Today," he informs the young boy, "I will teach you about the hypocrisy of society."
"Look at the road before us," he went on. "I helped build this road, and many others in this county, when I was only 16. Yet no one calls me 'Road Builder,' 'Trail Maker,' or anything of the sort."
They went ...

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My mother taught me...

My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE. "If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning."

My mother taught me RELIGION. "You better pray that will come out of the carpet."

My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL. "If you don't straighten up, I'm go...

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The priest and the horse.

In a small village there lived a poor farmer whose work horse had just died. Without a means of pulling wagons and plows and no money to buy a new horse, the farmer just sat down by the side of the road, crying and wondering how he would feed his family now.

Then along came a priest and wonde...

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Old enough to serve, not old enough to be served: the Army and Alcohol

There was a thread a while back where a pun thread took off; it was about the moral hypocrisy of being allowed to put your life at risk fighting in war, while simultaneously not being allowed to drink alcohol.

While I detest most pun threads, this one seemed entertaining to me for some reason...

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A chicken walks into a bar..

..and orders five flagons of mead. After the fourth alcoholic beverage, the bartender asks him..


"Hey buddy why the long fac..oh wait not a horse lol."


The chicken gulps down his fifth drink and laments.


"You see, that ott...

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