deinonychusfeatherdromaeosauridaeprotoceratopsjurassic parkchinaachillobatortroodontidgenusdromaeosaurusdinosaurcretaceousperiodfossilmongolia

Why can't we study the change of velociraptors over time?

Because then it would be an acceloraptor

Kids are like velociraptors

They're always testing the fences

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What do pandas say on Halloween?


That's the entire joke but this subreddit won't let me post such a short joke, so I'll tell a little story like one of those irritating-as-fuck internet recipe intros that gives WTMI.
My four year old is fascinated by finding the perfect joke. He'll often pick up on jokes from tv ...

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Jeff Goldblum is a given a chance to go back to Jurassic Park

Against all advice he decides to go and is airdropped from a plane on the island. On his way down he gets awe struck by the beauty of it all and forgets to chute till it's too late.

Luckily he ends up landing on something soft and squishy. After a brief moment of relief he realizes he's stuck...

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