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What do you call a Flying Transformer

Robots in da skies

What would RoboCop be called if he was a Transformer?

Stoptimus Crime

We lost power at work today due to someone hitting a transformer.

I never heard if it was a Decepticon or an Autobot.

I was talking to Bumblebee the Transformer the other day...

I didn't realize he was such a car guy

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What do you get when Wonder Woman has sex with a transformer?

Amazon Prime

What do you call transformer's father and mother?


My girlfriend threatened to break-up with me if I didn't stop acting like a Transformer...

I said "but baby, I can change!"

My girlfriend threatens to leave me if I don't stop refrencing Transformers..

I guess I'll just roll out

Do Transformers get car insurance or health insurance?

Nether. They’re immigrants in America.

My girlfriend is sick of me pretending that I'm a transformer.

Girlfriend: "I'm sick of you pretending you're a transformer. I'm leaving you."

Me: "No baby wait, I can change..."

2 Transformers got married

Soon thereafter, they had a baby Transformer. But at that moment when they had a baby, they suddenly could not be seen anymore.

They had become Transparents.

My girlfriend threatened to leave unless I stopped being delusional and admitted that I am not a Transformer

But I told her “Babe, I can change!”

My wife said,"I'm leaving you as you keep telling everyone you're a Transformer."

I said,"please don't,I can change."

If Transformers are cars and cars are Transformers.

Aren't we giving Bumblebee a handjob everytime we shift gears.

What transformer loves to paint?

Optimus Primer

I just flew in from a Transformers convention.

And boy my arms are tires.

What did Optimus Prime do when his dishwasher blew a transformer?

He filed for divorce.

Which vehicle is a transformer?

Cargo ship.

The pain transformer

A pregnant couple arrived to the hospital after the woman started to feel contractions.

Seeing the woman's pain, the doctor offered a new treatment: A pain transformer which after applying it, the pain will pass (some percentage of it) to the father.

The father, who wanted best for his...

What do you call a Transformer that turns into a stroller?

Optimus Pram.

What is a millennial rapper’s favorite Transformer?


A Transformer Baby!

Few Kids and a pregnant lady was standing at Bus stop..

kid: "What are you expecting?"
The girl says, "A bus."
The kid turns to his friend and says: "Wow! I am 100% sure this chick got screwed by a Transformer

Did you hear about the transformer who lost his ability to change into a seven-sided shape?

He's a de-septagon.

Have you heard about the Transformer who turns into a prostate vibrator?

I finally understand what they mean by ***"robots in these guys"***

What do you call a Mongol holding a Transformer?

A Decepti-Khan

When Transformers was filmed in Detroit

Michael Bay had to use CGI to repair buildings

Who is the best underwater Transformer?

Octopus Prime!

What is Kanye's favorite Transformer?

Bruce Jenner

What do you call a Transformer that engages in illegal activities?

Optimus *Crime*.

My girlfriend broke up with me yesterday ..

My girlfriend broke up with me yesterday because of my obsession.
She said, "I'm sick of it. You actually believe that you're a Transformer. It's stupid. I've had enough and I'm leaving you."
I said, "But, Baby, I can change."
She said, "There you go again!"

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what do you call a transformer with an extremely large penis?


A man working on an imaginary high voltage transformer was found dead in his home.

He had apparently received a fatal shock from the fictitious device.

Investigators who later examined it concluded that this was because it was not grounded in reality.

What happened to the Transformer that ate poorly prepared food?

It came down with Autobotulism.


Last night at midnight, my wife came downstairs into the kitchen where I was noisily going through the cupboards with one hand while in the other was my semi automatic pistol.
"What the hell are you doing" she demanded.
I glanced up at her and answered "Looking for Decepticons."
There was a...

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Ambulances are the original Transformers

because sometimes they transform mid-ride into hearses.

What do you call a Transformer who always sees the glass as half full?

Optimist Prime

Transformers: More than meets the eye.

Trans-formers: your mom's now a guy.

Guy: I'm writing "Transformers": a crossover fanfic where Othello encounters Sauron...

Other guy: "why's it called "Transformers"?"

Guy: Moor then meets The Eye

Yo mama jokes will always remain a classic.

Yo mama so fat, it takes a substation transformer to power her defibrillator.

I got my little brother a Cisformer for his birthday

It's like a transformer, but it starts out as a car and stays that way

Who is the most popular Transformer in America?

Caitlyn Jenner.

Optimus Prime is at home, watching TV, when his power goes out.

Frustrated, he calls the electrical company, and they have someone sent over. As he goes to ask the lineman what's going on, he notices that his jaw won't move, so he goes to get some motor oil to lubricate his jaws.

10 minutes later, he arrives back at his house, his mouth full of motor oil....

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Why aren't there any baby Transformers?

Because Auto-Bots pull out!

Sometimes a person is born male, but later transitions to being a woman.

If that person then decides they actually do identify as a man, does that make them a transformer?

If Caitlin Jenner was a super hero

Would she be an X-man or a Transformer?

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My phone is crap. I put it into airplane mode and threw it up in the air.

Worst transformer ever.

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