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What's the difference between "To Catch a Predator" and Harvey Weinstein?

One stars molesters, while the other molests stars.

A few years back “To Catch a Predator” host Chris Hanson was arrested for $13,000 in bounced checks

I swear, I thought it was $18,000

About 15 years ago, my girlfriend dumped me on a tv show that ended up airing on tv.

This is very personal information to me guys, so whatever you do, don't watch "To Catch a Predator" episode 3.

I told my family I was going to be on TV tonight

So we gathered in the living room and my wife, son, and young daughter were horrified to see me on “To Catch a Predator ”.

I've been told I look like someone from a popular TV show.

Feeling flattered I asked which show?

"To Catch a Predator"

What do you call a TV reality show where a 50 year old white man is trying to get laid?

To catch a predator.


Why do white girls walk around in groups of 3 and 5?
Because they can't even!


Why do white people have so many pets?
Because owning people is not legal anymore

**EDIT** Would love to hear more white people-specific jokes :) Th...

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