chat roomtalkerconversationcommunicationtalkdialoguediscussionschmoozedialogdiscussinternetchatchattyconversegossip

In online chatting,if a girl says she is 18,she is probably 16

If she tells she is 16,she is probably 14

If she tell she is 14, He is probably 52

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

I'm a shape-shifter who masturbates on online chat boards

I come in different forums

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

Password reset

A man was was unable to log into his online banking account and he pulled up the online chat support.

"I put in my password and I cannot access my account"

"Sorry that password has expired- you must register a new one."

"Did anyone discover that password and hack my computer?"...

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