
Did you hear about the streaker that ran up to three nuns?

The first one had a stroke.

The second one had a stroke.

And the third one didn't touch him at all.

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What's a streaker's favourite film?

Free Willy.

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What is a male streakers favorite movie?

Free Willy

Two old biddies were sitting on a park bench, a streaker walked by…

One old lady has a stroke. The other couldn’t reach.

Last Sunday, we had a streaker in our church.

They caught him by the organ.

Streaker in a Gym!!!

Three women are in a gym locker room dressing up to play racquetball, suddenly, a guy runs through the room wearing nothing but a bag over his head.

He passes the first woman, who looks down at his privates.

"Thank goodness!!! He's not my husband," she says.

He passes by the ...

I’m still shocked about the streaker at the movie theater

It was a private showing

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What do you call a Spanish streaker

señor willy

2 teenage friends were outside when they saw a female streaker walking down the street.

One of them ran away as soon as he saw her, but the other one stayed and watched for a while.

They saw each other at school the next day, and the one who stayed asked his friend why he ran away. His friend said "My mom said that if I ever look at a naked girl too long I'll turn to stone. And ...

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#1 Tip for both fastening metal together and streakers:

Pull out your nuts and bolt

Did you hear what happened to the large breasted streaker at the match on Sunday?

She got thrown out by the bouncers

The streaker was thinking about retiring...

but he decided to stick it out another year.

Did you hear the one about the streaker who ran naked through a church?

The priest caught him by the organ

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