Sidebar the Numbered Jokes joke, start linking reposts and numbering them
For science
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To Find and Replace the new /r/news sidebar terminology
Find "Rule" Replace with "Shari'a Law"
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔
A small Muslim boy is lost in the supermarket...
so he runs to an employee and says, "I've lost my mother!"
The employee leans down and asks "What does your mother look like?"
The kid wipes his eyes and looks at the employee. "I have no fucking idea."
Edit: I'm sorry to those that are getting offended/angry/and are calling me ...
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So drunk he can't stand up
An Irishman's been drinking at a pub all night. When he stands up to leave, he falls flat on his face. He tries to stand one more time, but to no avail. Again, he falls flat on his face. He figures he'll crawl outside and get some fresh air and maybe that will sober him up. Once outside, he stands u...
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Got any cancer jokes for a good cause?
Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this is allowed here or not, but I didn't see any rule against it in the sidebar so here we go (Mods, if this isn't OK, sorry in advance).
My younger sister was diagnosed with cancer a few hours ago. Dark humor is a staple in our family, so we spent my visit in t...
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Best one liner jokes
I didn't ready the sidebar so crucify me if need be.
I was just looking for the best one liner jokes you've ever heard. Clean or dirty, doesn't matter.
One that always gets me: Have you heard about the depressed, cross eyed girl? She never looked forward to anything.
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There was once a homeless man in a small town
Everybody knew him, everybody liked him, he never bothered anybody, until one day someone saw him down by the beach catching an osprey and cooking it up, and they called the cops. The cops arrived as he was finishing his meal, telling him "ospreys are protected animals around here. Sorry, but we got...
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Congratulations on Breaking 100,000, /r/jokes!
To follow the sidebar I present you the worst and unfunniest joke I know:
What did the car say to the cow? BEEF BEEF!
What did the cow say to the car? MOOOOOOOOOOOve
Haha! Please don't forget to purchase the best rotten tomatoes nearby to throw at me, they are of the best ro...
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