A lady was showing her dog at all of the local shows but despite having a tremendous dog, she never placed higher than third. She cornered one of the judges after one show and asked why her dog never won.
"Well, the problem is that your dog has too much hair between its toes and we have to de...
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What do you get when you cross a Dachshund, a Schnauzer, a Shih Tzu, and a Poodle?
A Wienerschnitzel.
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A poodle and a collie are walking together when the poodle suddenly unloads on his friend. “My life is a mess,” he says.
“My owner is mean, my girlfriend ran away with a schnauzer and I’m as jittery as a cat.” “Why don’t you go see a psychiatrist?” suggests the collie. “I can’t,” says the poodle. “I’m not allowed on the couch.”
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My wife’s dog got to where it wouldn’t listen to her.
So she took it to the vet. The vet said no wonder it won’t listen I’ve never seen that much hair in a dogs ears. He clipped some out and said goto the pharmacy and buy a bottle of nair hair remover.
Put a little on a qtip and rub back in there and that’ll take care of the problem.
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My Wife found out that our Dog (a Schnauzer) could hardly hear, so she took it to the Veterinarian.......
The Vet found that the problem was Hair in the Dog's Ears.
He cleaned both ears, and the Dog could then hear fine.
The Vet then proceeded to tell Andrea that, if she wanted to keep this from recurring, she should go to the store and get some "Veet" hair remover and rub it in the Dog's ...
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A lady is concerned her new puppy dog is deaf
The dog doesn’t seem to hear her trying to call it at all, so she decides to take the puppy to see the vet. The vet says “well sometimes these schnauzers grow to much hair in their ears and can’t hear very well”. The vet checks the puppy’s ears, and sure enough they are overgrown with hair. The vet ...
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This Lady had a show dog,
It was a purebred Schnauzer from a champion blood line. All of her time and money went into taking care of this dog. The only problem, she always gets second place. Every dog show, second place. Well, she’s at the Westminster dog show, the biggest in the world and again, she gets second place! ...
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3 dogs are in a vet's office
3 dogs are sitting in the waiting room of a vet's office. One is a Poodle, one is a Schnauzer and the other is a Great Dane. The Poodle turns to the Schnauzer and asks, "Why are you here?" The Schnauzer responds, "I'm 17 years old. I don't see or hear very well. I've been having accidents in the hou...
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A lady brings her dog to the veterinarian due to itching.
The vet gives her a lotion to put on the dog, and tells her to get Nair to put on the affected area, thereby removing its hair in that area. The lady goes to the store where a clerk takes her to the Nair. He advises her “if you put this on your legs, don’t wear panty hose for a few days”. The l...
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A lady goes to the store to get a hair trimmer for her dog
..as she's browsing a clerk comes along and says "If you're using it on you're underarms, don't spray on deodorant for a few hours it will sting a lot." She says "No it's not for my underarms."
The clerk says "Well if you're doing your legs, don't wear pantyhose for a day, it can irritate you...
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Lady brings Muffy to the Vet
Lady goes to the vet with Muffy, who has a large hairy growth emanating from her posterior.
"Doctor, can you do anything about that big hairy growth there?"
Vet says, "No problem, here's a prescription for some ointment, just rub it on the hairy growth and it'll be gone in no time at a...
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The best dog joke ever - credit to Sir Les Patterson
Woman takes her dog to the vet because it's having hearing problems.
The vet says "Its because it has so much hair in it's ears. Once a month, get some Nair and spread it in it's ears, it'll keep the hair growth down."
Sure enough the woman goes to the pharmacy to get some Nair, and w...
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A lady’s dog is diagnosed as hard of hearing...
Her vet says it’s because of the hair growing in its ears. So, she goes to the pharmacist with a prescription for a hair removal ointment.
The pharmacist tells her: “ If it’s for under your arms, use a quarter cup, if it’s for your legs, use a full cup.”
She says, “actually, it’s fo...
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We were at Kyle's place last week and had an idea
You know how everyone has occasionally had the great idea to try and snort assorted things? Like pixie stix and rock candy? That's where this story takes place.
Somehow the topic of conversation wandered to the effects of cocaine and other substances on the nostrils. The attention seeker of t...
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A woman takes her dog for a walk in the snow...
A woman takes her dog for a walk in the snow. When she gets home, she sees that his paws are frozen solid, and caked with ice! The next day she takes her dog to the vet, and asks "can you shave my dog's paws so that snow doesn't get stuck in his fur?" The vet responds "Shaving isn...
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