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What do you get when you breed a pit bull with a shih tzu?

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Why are Shih Tzu and bulldog the two worst dog breeds to cross?

Because when you crossbreed them, they make a shihtdog.
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What do you call a Bulldog - Shih Tzu mix?

A Tzu Dog. Because your other idea was bullshit.

A zoo in China denies using a man in a costume pretending to be a bear. But they do have a dog dressed up as a lion…

It’s a Shih Tzu.
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I crossed a Lhasa Apso with a Shih tzu.

But all I got was Lhasa Shit.

I went to a zoo the other day, but all the cages were empty apart from one that just had a little dog in it

It was a shih tzu
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A family go to the zoo

They're excited to see all the exotic animals, birds & reptiles. The first enclosure is empty, totally deserted. Unperturbed they carry on to the next one.. again it's empty!
Every single enclosure, cage, run and avery they encounter is empty, deserted and unkempt..

Except, right besi...
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Designer dog breeds

So they have all sorts of new designer dog breeds out there now. Things like the Labradoodle, Goldendoodle, and a Puggle. I have a dog that's a mix between a dachshund and a Shih Tzu, they call it Dachshit.

London Zoo has put all it's animals into lockdown during the pandemic. There's only one dog on display.

It's a shih tzu.
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What do you get when you cross a Dachshund, a Schnauzer, a Shih Tzu, and a Poodle?

A Wienerschnitzel.
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At my city, we have a zoo which is only filled with dogs. Even worse, there’s only one breed of dogs inside the zoo.

It’s a shih tzu.
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Nice joke that doubles as a haiku.

I went to a zoo.

There was just one dog on show.

It was a shih tzu.

A lot of people are complaining that it's not a haiku. I read shih tzu as 1 syllable, so my mistake. Sorry for the misleading title!
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We are saddened to hear of the tragic loss that took place in North Korea's zoo today.

It appears that every animal has died of a mysterious illness, except for one. It's a shih tzu.
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A walk to the zoo.

A man walks for four days to visit a zoo.

The only animal in the entire zoo is a dog.

The dog looks like a St. Bernard, but the man is steadfast in his belief that it is, with certainty, a Shih Tzu.
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Sorry in advance for the pun...

So they opened a new zoo by my house, it really sucks. They only have one dog....it's a total shih tzu.
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Praying mantises don't actually pray, laughing hyenas don't actually laugh, and songbirds don't actually sing.

The name Shih Tzu is accurate though.
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Little Johnny was hyped for the zoo.

His parents had told him they would go to the Bronx zoo this weekend. When the weekend came they told him they'd be going to a different zoo upstate. A petting zoo. Little Johnny saw goats and pigs and ducks. Little Johnny was cross. His parents were upset. They asked the zoo employees If they had a...
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Telling these ones right. The worst Zoo I ever went to...

was overpriced, smelly and almost all the enclosures were empty, the only exhibit worth looking at was some yappy little dog with bug eyes, anyway...It was a Shih Tzu
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