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Did you know the inventor of Reese's Pieces has a master's in biology specializing in monkeys?

He did a Rhesus thesis.

What do you get when you microwave a monkey?

Rhesus pieces.

I'll let myself out.

Recently, monkeys escaped from an animal testing lab and broke into the adjacent chemistry lab. Some ingested potassium metal and exploded.

There were Rhesus pieces everywhere.

What do you get when you cross a lab monkey and a bully?

I donโ€™t know, but itโ€™s about to beat you up after Rhesus..

Disclaimer: Took this one from r/adviceanimals

What is a primate's favorite candy?

A rhesus!

This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

What's a monkey's favorite snack?

Rhesus Peanut butter cups!

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