
A wife is frying eggs for her husband in the morning

Suddenly the husband appears behind the wife's back and says:

"Careful, CAREFUL, put more fat in the pan! You're frying too many at a time. TOO MANY! Flip them! FLIP THEM! Come on!
Put more fat in there. Oh dear lord. How are you gonna make space for the fat now, look, they're sticking to ...
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The Lawyer's Car

A lawyer had just bought a fancy new car, and was eager to show it off to his colleagues, when an eighteen wheeler came out of nowhere and took off the driver's side door with him standing right there. "NOOO!" he screamed, because he knew that no matter how good a mechanic tried to fix it, it would ...
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Nooo you were supposed to shoot at the sky too!

Haha Aaron go Brr
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Nooo shit…me buying too much stuff?!

My wife was complaining about the fact that I'm buying too much useless stuff on the internet…..

So I sent her back to Thailand.

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A guy is lost in the forest, when suddenly a vampire jumps from behind a tree

A guy is lost in the forest, when suddenly a vampire jumps from behind a tree. "I'm thirsty", says the vampire, "I'm going to to bite you in the neck and drink your blood!"

"Nooo!!!" cries the man, "Please don't! I have a wife and kids! I'm too young to die!"

"I don't care" says the va...

What's my favourite xmas song? The one about the 25 letter alphabet.

Nooo L, nooo L, nooooo L, no L
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"See that wall?" said the bitter Scotsman at the pub...

I built that wall, all the way from here to Glenmore, but do they call me "Angus the wall-builder? Nooo!"

"And see the church spire? Built that too. Do they call me "Angus the steeple-builder"? Noo!"

"And that terrible night when the orphanage burned down,I saved all the wee bairns fro...

A woman wakes up from coma...

Doctor: You've been in coma for the past 3 months

Woman: Oh no! Is the baby ok?

Doctor: Yes everything is fine, you had twins! A boy and a girl. And your brother got to name them :)

Woman: Nooo my brother is an idiot! What did he name them??

Doctor: He named the girl Deni...
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Boyfriend asks Girlfriend

B: "If I die, will you find a new boyfriend?"

G: "NOOO! I'll never be with another guy, I'll rather go and stay with my sister! What would you do if I die?"

B: "I would also stay with your sister"
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I saw a lady at the store with a boob just hanging out

When I pointed it out to her, she said "oh nooo I left my baby at bingo again".

HUSBAND: (watching a video) Don't do it! I swear you gonna regret it for the rest of your life. You stupid idiot! Don't say yes! No! No! NOOO!! Aw dang, he actually did it! What a dumb ass!

WIFE: Honey, why you so mad? What are you watching?

HUSBAND: Our wedding ceremony.
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Did you know that there was 4 types of orgasms?

There’s the positive orgasm, negative orgasm, holy orgasm and the fake orgasm

The positive orgasm goes “Oh yes, ohh yess”,
the negative orgasm goes “Oh no, Ohh nooo”,
the holy orgasm goes “Oh God, ohh Godd”,
The fake orgasm goes “Oh •insert friends name•, ohh •insert friends name•...

drunk driving

A man driving back home get arrested by the police, the police asked for his driver's license and suddenly smelled a beer draft and ask the man:

Have you been drinking beer? And the man said: nooo!

The police said alright get out of the car…

The man opens the door and as he trie...
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It's closing time at the local pub. As the bartender is putting stools up, a filthy ragged homeless man walks in...

"No free booze!" says the bartender.

"No, all I want is one toothpick." says the homeless man.

The bartender gives him the toothpick and away he goes.

No sooner has the homeless man left, another one shows up.

"What do YOU want?" asks the bartender mopping the floor. ...
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A woman in labour is screaming at her husband.

He says "Hey, don't blame me. I wanted to put it in your ass."

"But Nooo, u thought THAT MIGHT HURT!"

I, Mewlingquimlover was in Scotland, in a bar, talking to a young man.

I said, "Lad, look out there to the field. Do ya see that fence? Look how well it's built. I built that fence stone by stone with me own two hands. I piled it for months."
"But do they call me Mewlingquimlover-the-Fence-Builder? Nooo..."

Then I gestured at the bar. "Look here at the bar. D...
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A man named Tucker, dies and goes to hell

There, a demon takes Tucker to a hallway with three doors. The demon says (in a deep demonic voice) “You must choose one room, where you will spend the next thousand years!”

The demon opens the first door. Inside there is a man in a pit of fire, screaming in agony. Tucker says “Nooo no no! De...
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The Godfather’s relaxing at his social club...

...with his crew. The usual gaggle of young Turks waits in the wings, hoping to get noticed, hoping to move up.

The Godfather calls one of them over.

“Jimmy, I hear good things about you. They tell me you’re serious, that you can be trusted.”

Jimmy swells with pride.

“I ...

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A kid goes to the shops with his mum...

A kid goes to the shops with his mum.  He has always wondered about the female anatomy,  so he peers under the skirt of a mannequin. But unfortunately,  his mum sees him doing it.  

Whack! She smacks him over the head.  

"What are you doing,  you dirty little boy? There's nothi...

An Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman were in Rome.

An Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman were in Rome one day when the see a priest running around in panic. They approach him an asked what's wrong when he says "Mama Mia! It's a tha Pope! He's a dead!!" Then he goes quiet, still panicking with his finger on his lips saying "please, please don't a say ...
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I thought my son would be glad and appreciate that I got him a trampoline

But nooo, all he does is sit and cry in his wheelchair all day
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Dick, John, and Harry are walking through a forest...

...and they each trip over a magical rock, Dick trips over the rock and yells, “Shit!”, turning him into a pile of shit. Harry trips over the rock and yells, “Crap!”, turning him into a pile of crap. John trips over the rock and yells, “Harry, Dick! NOOO!”...turning him into a hairy dick.

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A guy is sitting on the ground crying.

A stranger asks him what's wrong. He points to a bridge and says "see that bridge? I built that. But do they call me Joe the Builder? Nooo" and then points to a mural and says "I also made that graffiti mural. But they don't call me Joe the Artist." He started crying again. "But you fuck one sheep--...

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Guy walks into a bar.

The place is totally packed standing room only except for one seat at the bar next to an older man. So the guy walks over and sits down. The older man turns to him and say hey! You see this bar? I made this bar, I sanded it I planed it, I wrapped the leather around the edge, do they call me McGregor...

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Backseat drivers are all the same...

.. With the whole.. Nooo.. Why are we going into the woods.

Source: Jimmy Carr. Source because others on this thread think everything here is original content and like to shout shits stolen. Unfunny cunts.

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Peter the Builder

Derek and his grandpa, Peter, are sitting up on a hillside. Peter says "you see that wall, I helped build that wall, but do they call me Peter the wall builder? nooo. You see that house? I built that house but do they call me Peter the housebuilder? no. You see that church? I built that church too, ...

Trying to do my bit for the environment

..so I asked my work mates if they wanted me to pick them up.

Sure enough, I picked up two of the work mates in my car and off we went one morning to work.
Roadworks caused us to divert our journey. We had to take the highway.
Barry starts sweating..
I ask "What's wrong Barry!?"....
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Luke got Darth Vader a Christmas Present.

Darth Vader: Luke... I know what you got me for Christmas...

Luke: Nooo! No! No!! How could you possibly know?!?!

Darth Vader: I felt your presents.
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Best friends wife.

Two midle aged men who were the best of frinds since several years are talking over a beer. Suddenly one of them says in a thoughtful voice: "If I have sex with your wife, does that men we become related?" The other one looks at him with wide eys and says: "Nooo, but we become even..."

A US Border Patrol Agent catches an illegal alien

"Sorry, you know the law, you've got to go back across the border right now." He tells him.


The mexican man pleads with the officer, "No, nooo, pleeze Senior, I must stay in te USA! Pleeeze!"


The Border Patrol Agent thinks to himself, I'm going to m...
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*A WELL-KNOWN old timer speaking to a young man in a bar in Scotland*

"Laddy, Yer see this baer here? How smooth and finely carved it is
I built dis baer wid me bare hands,
But nooooo, they dun't coll me McGregor-the-bar-builder."

*the young man is uninterested*

*even l...

Two Irish guys, Paddy and Mick are drunk in a newly renovated pub in their town

Paddy announces that he has to go to the bathroom.

"I'llll assk the baarman where the bog isss" Paddy mumbles to his mate and then he stumbles up to the bar.

"Wherrre'ss the jack's?" He asks the barman.

Pointing to a door in the back, the barman says "Go through that door, take...
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An Irish wife was having a shower and slipped over on the bathroom floor.

Instead of slipping over forwards, she slipped over and did the splits and suctioned herself to the floor.

She yelled out for her husband, "Paddy! Paddy!"

Paddy came running in.

"Paddy I've suctioned myself to the floor," she said.

"Ohhh nooo!" Paddy said and tried to pul...

An Irish lad just graduating school embarks on his career in business.

Found employment in a nice village. Being a bit of an introvert, took him a few months to venture into the local pub. Asked the bartender for 3 pints, and he took them back into a dark corner table, drank the 3 and left. After a few days, when he ordered his usual 3, the barkeep said "Ya know lad, I...
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A Scotsman's Legacy

A young man is backpacking through Scotland and decides to stop in a little pub out in the middle of nowhere. There are only two other people in the bar, the bartender and an old man sitting at the counter nursing a beer. He take a seat at a stool a couple down from the old man and orders a pint. ...

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A joke my friend told me.

So there's this guy and he just recently got married to the love his life, Wendy. Now he wants to profess his love to her in the most special and unique way ever. So he decides to get her name tattooed onto his dick. It is good to note that most of the time his dick reads just 'Wy' or 'Wey', ya know...

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Master of wit and repartee

Two brothers. One's a dullard (slow or stupid person), the other is a master of quick wit and ready repartee.

Dullard goes to the circus one night. The clowns come on asking for a member of the audience to assist. Dullard bro puts up his hand and gets picked.

CLOWN: I say, I say, I say...

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