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A man at my wife’s workplace has been sexually harassing her, but honestly I feel like it’s her fault.

She’s the one who chose to work from home, and she knows how I feel about dat ass.

Wife: Now that we've been married 20 years, how old do you think I look, honestly?

Husband: From your skin I'd say 28, from your hair 25, from your figure 29.

Wife: Oh, what a lovely thing to say.

Husband: Hang on, I haven't finished adding it up yet.
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So there’s a man I’ve been seeing for the last couple months, and honestly, things aren’t going too badly.

Problem is, no one else can see him.
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My wife likes it when I blow air on her when she's hot, but honestly

I'm not a fan.
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I honestly hate how a person who donates 1 kidney is considered a hero...

I donated 4 and I’m somehow a criminal
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I honestly get a little creeped out by hearing Spatial Audio all around me.

I guess it's just the Atmos fear.
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We shouldn't mix races, it's immoral and honestly pretty gross.

That's why I hate triathlons.
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Honestly, I don't mind leg day at the gym

It's just the two days after that I can't stand
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Sometimes I wind up forcing an orgasm but honestly...

I prefer to let things come naturally.

A man was close to passing and said to his wife "Please answer one final question honestly for me"

"Anything" replied his wife.

The man continued, "We have three sons. Two are fine strapping lads, handsome, tall, strong. They have been the pride of my life. But our third son is so different, he is small, weak, and always ill. Please tell me honestly before I die, is he actually my son...
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Honestly you gotta hand it to short people

No seriously they cant reach it themselves
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I honestly hope President Donald Trump gets better.

And I hope he recovers from Coronavirus as well.
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Covid19 inappropriate playlist thread. Honestly, I'm surprised it not been done yet. I'll start....

REM It's the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine)
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I honestly cannot deal with puns.

But I can with a deck of cards.
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I know a lot of people find self-isolation hard, but I can honestly say...

I've never felt more at home.

(Credit: Celia Pacquola)
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I have seen a lot of fat jokes recently, and I honestly think we should be nicer to them.

They have enough on their plates as it is.
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I know the pandemic is causing people to struggle financially, but honestly, I'm making a fortune.

I rent out bookcases to be installed behind everyone doing a TV interview about either Covid or the Impeachment process.
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Honestly, if I had to offer you lot money for every bread joke..

Y'all would have a pun per nickel.
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This new guy Juan has been hanging out with me and friends lately and honestly, I'm not a fan. He very controlling and manipulative.

And no Juan is going to tell me what to do.
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I honestly understand cannibals...

...they’re just so fed up with people.
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Honestly getting a concussion wasn’t so bad.

It hurt when it happened but I barely remember it now.
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Honestly man...

Vacuum cleaners suck.
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I asked my friend in North Korea how he honestly feels about living there?

He said, "Can't complain."
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I did a Briggs-Myers personality test. It said answer honestly, so i did.

Apparently I have no personality.
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As I was smoking, I decided to read the label and was honestly shocked to find out that smoking is bad for you

It made a die a little inside.
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Honestly I think English is a bloody stupid language

but it's what it's I guess
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I’m honestly sick and tired of people asking me what would i be doing in 139 days

like as if I have 2020 vision.
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I don't understand why people make fun of short people. Honestly though, you've really gotta hand it to short people

Because they probably can't reach it anyways.
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I honestly think girls need to stop acting like their periods are the worst things in the world

It's really just a bit of an ovary action, don't you think?
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The hardest part honestly of me being a single stay at home mom

is probably the fact that I'm a 28 year old man with no children
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I honestly don't know how to talk to dwarfs

It's one of my shortcomings.
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The girl I'm dating loves pumpkin spice lattes and uggs, but she's honestly pretty odd

She literally can't even
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Honestly, vegans should stop

If they continue eating the Amazon rainforest we won't be able to breathe.
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All my friends keep going on and on about the benefits of solar energy, but honestly.....

I’m more of a fan of wind.
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Honestly proposing to my wife was a mistake

I was about to propose to my girlfriend when my roommate Joseph barged into the room out of nowhere, tripped, and fell over, breaking a glass table with his face. Totally ruined the mood. Now I don't know Joseph THAT well, don't even remember where he was from, but let's say I put my plans on hold t...
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If someone asks me, “How’s your sex life?”, I can honestly say

I’m holding my own.

Honestly, I'm just amazed he managed to pull it off.

When he first ran for president, nobody thought he could do it. When he started gaining in the polls, we all "knew" how it would end. But he showed us we were all wrong.

Congratulations to Barack Obama going eight years without being shot.
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Honestly, I don't even enjoy sex with nuns that much,

it's just, once you've gotten into the habit...

Honestly, with these ceiling fan jokes.

They just keep going around in circles, man.
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A man who’d just died is delivered to a local mortuary wearing an expensive, expertly tailored black suit...

The female blonde mortician asks the deceased’s wife how she would like the body dressed. She points out that the man looks good in the black suit he is already wearing.

The widow, however, says that she always thought her husband looked his best in blue and that she wants him in a blue sui...
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My girl friend was in the bathroom for hours getting ready to go out. When finally the door swung open, she said "Honestly, do I look fat in this?"

I replied "Yes love, but to be fair, it's only a small bathroom".
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I look up to the guy that killed hitler.

Honestly women should not have children after 35..

That would be way too many
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I've worked both restaurant and retail jobs, and honestly I think I prefer retail jobs.

Only in retail can you drop something on the floor in front of the customer, and continue to try and sell it to them.
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I honestly didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life until i discovered dolphin-watching.

You could say I found my porpoise.
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I see that in the US they're complaining about halal meat. They want their meat to be killed the American way...

....but, honestly, what are the chances of a cow enrolling in high school and being shot by a classmate?
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My grandfather once said that we're starting to rely way too much on technology; that it's important we remind ourselves to live without it. I honestly had to agree with him.

So, I unplugged his life support.
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I can honestly say I've learned things from each one of my exes...

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What question can you never honestly answer "yes" to?

Are you asleep?
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I went to a theme park today, but I honestly thought it was a waste of money.

If I wanted to wait ages for a quick thrill, I'd go home to my wife.
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There are a few nuns that go to a priest for confessions. The priest goes to the first nun and says," Answer honestly, have you ever been in contact with a human penis?"

The 1st nun says," Once I accidently opened the
door when a guy was changing and saw his penis."

The priest says," That's fine, go and wash your
eyes in the holy water. Next!"

The 2nd nun says," Once I accidently touched a
guy's penis."

The priest says," Okay, just...

A girl asks a guy to rate her as honestly as possible

"You're a 9/10 for me"

"*What?*", she says hurtfully. Am I not perfect enough?"

"No. But you would be if you were my +1"
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My Husband died. (One for the Ladies.)

After He died, I couldn't even look at another Man for almost 20 years.

But now that I'm out of Prison, I can honestly say it was worth it.
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Of all the experiences in my life, I think I can honestly say that getting struck in the hippocampus

was the most forgettable.
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Honestly, everyone can get fucked...

So what if I don't know what 'apocalypse' means?

It's not the end of the world!

Depressing pickup lines.

Are you suicide?
Because I think about you every day.

Are you a toaster?
Because I really want to take a bath with you.

Are you a noose?
Because I really want to hang with you.

Are you a gravestone?
Because I really wish you were on top of me.

Are you anti-...
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"Honestly son, it's all about separation of the whites and the colored with some strategic hanging thrown in...

Other than that, there's not really much more I can teach you about doing laundry."
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If you masturbate after smoking marijuana....

Is it high-jacking or weed-whacking?

Edit: Front and Gold. Thank you.

Edit 2: if this is in fact a repost, I apologise. I honestly am not sure if somebody else posted this before.

Has enough time passed in our country that we honestly and openly talk about the good things Osama Bin Laden did for us?

You don't think he did anything good? You're wrong.

How about the fact that when you take your wife or gf to the airport, you no longer have to walk her all the way to the gate?
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I honestly prefer Brexit over being bullied in school day after day

Atleast I'd get pounded less
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