batexcrementphosphatefertilizernitrogenpotassiumseaweedreefperubiotauric acidseabirdbattymanureorganic

This joke may contain profanity. πŸ€”

My girlfriend is addicted to eating guano.

She’s bat shit crazy.

I just bought this hair product that uses bat guano.

It's supposed to get rid of dandruff, but it didn't work!

Turns out it's just sham poo.

Did you hear that Goop's new line of hair care products made from guano turned out to be fake?

It was *sham*poo.

This joke may contain profanity. πŸ€”

A man is walking down the beach...

...and he sees this woman there lying on a beach towel, all on her own.

As he gets closer, he notices that she doesn't have any arms or legs, and that she is crying. Out of slight pity he approaches her.

"Excuse me" the man says, "are you ok?"

"No!" The woman replied, "all my fr...

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